Chapter Four

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On the walk back to the camp I look down at my wrists "Shit" I mumble

"What" Pan says with concern

"It's nothing just" I lift my wrists to show the waterlogged bandages, " they are about to fall off"

"Oh hold on a second" Pan then fly's off leaving me behind, I stand there awkwardly waiting for him to return and when he does he comes back with leaves?

"Here" He motions to my wrists, as he begins to unwrap the soaked bandages you can see the still fresh wound, he rubs something on the back side of the leaves and then gently places it on my cut. The leaves look like cute bracelets.

"There all bandaged" I look at Pan 

"These are bandages?" He nods, 

"Neverland bandages way better" he says with a soft smile. We continue our walk back to the camp and it felt faster then when we left, just when I am able to see the camp my eyes are covered. "It's a surprise but don't worry I'll lead you" Pan's hands are wrapped around my eyes and he's gently leading me to wherever. We then come to a halt and I almost fall because I wasn't ready. He lifts his hands and I am amazed at the beautiful set up, a long wooden table is there with what looks like plates and stuff, the camp is decorated with leaves and fireflies. Pan looks at me expectantly 

"I love it" I say in barely a whisper Pan smiles and leads me to a seat, he then sits at the head of the table which is next to me in a way. Then things go into motion there are guys bringing in food and placing it in front of everyone, when the hustle is over I look down at the food in front of me, looks better then any food I've every eaten. All of a sudden Pan whistles and then stands up.

"Today we all were able to meet an amazing girl named Amy and we all going to give her an amazing welcome! So, after this meal we will party and show Amy all the awesome things you can do at Neverland!" Pan finishes his speech then looks down at me and smiles while all the other boys are yelling, I feel my cheeks heat up and his adorable speech and when Pan sits down everyone starts to eat. Before I dig in I lean over towards him and whisper

"That was a really nice, thank you" I say with a smile.

"Anything for you love" Pan says while laughing, I join in then looked down at the food and I begin the eat. Holy this is amazing, I think, I've never tasted anything like this. When finished ore boys come out and collects the dishes, one everyone stands up the table is moved and without a delay music begins to play. While I'm looking around amazed someone grabs me and begins to dance with me, when I look up I see a tanned curly brown haired boy.

"Hey I'm Charles" The boy speaks "But you can call me Charlie" I nod at him

"I'm Amy but you probably already know that" He nods with a laugh and just as I am about to speak again I am passed to another boy. 

When I look up at the next guy I see a black green eyed boy.

"Hi I am Joseph" I says then twirls me, I laugh when this happens " and you must be Amy" I nod and am quickly passed to another boy. Okay I don't get long with these boys, more like introductions then actual dancing

"Hello, mademoiselle" a freckled boy with red hair says to me " My name is Aaron"

"Amy, pleased to meet.." before I could finished I am swept away and then into the air, knowing exactly who grabbed me without looking up. "Hi Pan, you could have at least let me finish" I say with a giggle. When I look up at Pan he's looking at me with a small smile.

"They had you long enough love" Pan says with a smirk on his face "How are you enjoying yourself."  When he says this my smile grows bigger and I scream,

" I AM HAVING A BLAST!" Pan starts to chuckle and before I know it he sets me down into a wooded area, he begins to crouch down then motions for me to follow him, he puts a finger on his mouth then quietly motions through the bushes. When I look all I see is the light of a bunch of little fairies. My mouth drops they are so beautiful, 

Peter's POV

While Amy is distracted I sneak away and find the flowers that the fairies live by, once I find the blue flowers with a centre the colour of blood  I walk back towards her and she is still fixated on the fairies. I grab her arm and gently stand her up once she does this she focuses on me.

"Yes Pan" she says in a small whisper, man I love when she calls me that. I grab her arm and bring her into the air once there I bring her to a rock that overlooks the sunrise. I set her down and place the flower in her hair, she smiles as she gently pats it, then her eyes look back into mine. " Pan I had a blast today, you really made me start to enjoy life, and see that there is a world that wants me, here Neverland is where I belong" Amy states then in barely a whisper she says "If you'll have me" I look at her a see a tear fall down her cheek, I place my hand there and wipe it  away this caused her to look up and when she does, I start to speak in a soft tone

"Of course we want you, the lost boys want you to stay for sure, and...." I pause "I do too" when I finish, I see the smile return to her face.

Amy's POV

The smile returns to my face and I look over to the sun rising, but once I see this, I notice my skin starting to glow. I look over at Pan and he looks just as confused, my vision starts to fade  and I reach out to Pan and my hand goes right through his. Then everything goes black.

I wake up in my bed...

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