Chapter one

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no one likes k*nny anymore so I tried not to say his name that much

also hi it's raining outside I believe (I smell it), it's 11pm, and I technically have this whole story written it's all just a rushed out thought so oh well here's this my guys

also I have another wattpad where I post other things like rylody and soon ryden and stuff anyway it's called imtheryllonwriter_2 so go follow me ig


"I can't figure it out," I tell Zack, and he sighs. 

"None of us saw it, Brendon. Don't beat yourself up," Nicole tells me, and I nod slightly. No one saw it. No one saw him going onto snapchat and taking advantage of underage fans. No one saw anything, but I still can't get it out of my head. Opening the door and seeing that girl trying to push him away but him keep getting closer, it's stuck. 

"He's out, that what really matters right now," Zack reminds me, and I nod, sighing. 

"Yeah, I know," I say, because I really do. I was the one who pulled him away and told him he's out. It was later revealed on twitter, 'Touring musician Kenny Harris will no longer be performing with us because of a personal matter'.

"People think the texts are fake," Nicole says. I look at her with that sad look in my eyes, and she returns it. "I don't."

"Neither do I," Zack says sadly. I shake my head.

"It was real, it was really real," I tell them quietly, and they nod. My grip tightens on my fist pressed against my mouth as I close my eyes. We're going on tour in less than a month and not only do we not have a touring guitarist, but we have fans who think that we're gods because we kicked Kenny out after him being a pedophile.

"Well, what do we do now?" Nicole asks.

"I've already contacted lots of fans who were troubled by him and sent them gifts and apologies. There's nothing we can do about that anymore, but we need to figure out how to get a new touring guitarist in less than a month who is a great guitarist, good at singing, nice to fans, and is willing to do it on such short notice. Someone who isn't busy with their families."

"Which eliminates about all we know," Nicole says, looking down to play with the hem of her white t-shirt. 

"Not everyone," Zack says, and I look up at him. He raises an eyebrow. "She's matched all of your needs. Plus, she could use the money."

I think, then sigh. "You want me to ask a criminal."

"She isn't a criminal. Well, if she is, then she hasn't been caught. We've done huge favors for her and either way we both know that she only does things that need to get done."

"Woah, wait, who are we talking about here?" Nicole asks. 

"An old friend of mine. An old friend of the band, really," I turn to Zack again, "send me her information. I wanna meet her on my own and talk to her alone."

"I'll buy your ticket," he says, immediately smiling and going to his laptop. I sigh quietly.

Here goes nothing.

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