Chapter seven

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Ryan and I sit on the couch peacefully, watching a movie as the lights are off. His hand is on my knee and I'm feeling really vulnerable and distracted. 

Eventually he leans his head on my shoulder, and I lean mine on his head. My hand is next to his. Our fingers very barely make contact once I look away, and I watch them very very slowly move and intertwine together. Once they do, both Ryan and I tense a bit. He looks up at me and I look at him. He smiles and looks down at my lips, then leans forward slowly. I lean forward,

and then it's gone.

"Bren?" Ryan waves his hand in front of my face and I snap out of my daydream. I look at him. 

"Sorry, what?" I ask. 

"I said I was gonna go to bed, I'm not feeling well," he says, obviously a little shy about it. I look at the time. 1:26 am. 

"Yeah, I think I'll go with you," I say. He nods, and we both get up. I turn off the T.V. as Ryan hesitates. I look at him, but he turns and goes upstairs. I follow him. We don't talk anymore until we both reach our bedrooms. We walk into each and close the door. I get into bed, then stay silent so I can hear him get in bed too. Of course, he gets into pajamas. He got clothes from his house yesterday. Maybe we both just want him to stay here and that's why he hasn't left. 

I wanna make him fall for me. I could be his crush. Maybe he's just as in love with me as I am with him. I love him, I love him, I love him. He's driving me insane and I can't believe that my ex lover is on the other side of this wall. 

I won't sleep tonight. I'll stay awake unless my body lets me. I'm exhausted but my mind is too occupied by the thought of the boy so close yet so far. 

I fell in love with him again.

I love Ryan. 

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