Chapter three

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"Did she say yes?" Zack immediately asks me through the phone.


"Okay, perfect. So, you guys coming down soon?"

"We're already in LA."

"Oh, really? Well-"

"I'm seeing Ryan," I interrupt him and silence fills the air. 

"You're what?"

"I made a deal with MJ. If I did a few things for and with her, then..."

"A few things? Brendon, what the hell did you get yourself into?"

"It's not bad. All I have to do is buy her a car once we're done-"


"It's a really cheap car, it's okay! Anyway, that and then give her a wardrobe change, which I was already planning on doing, and then... go see Ryan perform. He doesn't know, I don't think."

But he knows now if he didn't already, because I watched him perform and our eyes met and he stopped a bit, but continued. And I watched it all, I watched Z call him out on stage and fans who didn't see me get really shaky and excited, and I watched him smile at her and felt something hit my heart. It hurt. MJ's doing this for the exact reason of trying to get us to see each other again, and maybe more than quite literally seeing each other. 

"Okay, we saw him, now what are we doing?" 

"Waiting for those last two girls to leave," MJ tells me, and soon a car pulls up and the girls get in. Ryan waves at them. Stayed two hours after just to make sure he met everyone. He's always been like that. 

He turns and MJ jumps up, grabbing my hand and making us run towards him. Somehow, in the midst of us approaching him, he turns and I trip and fall onto him. We fall, and I think he hits his head on the ground. Fuck, fuck, fuck. First I show up and see him, second I give him a concussion?! Way to go, Brendon.

"Oh my god, Ry, I-I'm so sorry," I say, guilt rising in my chest.

"Bren-" He looks up and sees MJ, and I don't see her but I can see her smirk. 

"Are you okay?" I ask. I pull away a little bit. 

"You know, I'm not really sure," he tells me. I swallow nervously. 

"Nice to see you," I say awkwardly. 

"You too. Now, uh," He looks at our bodies and I swear I can see him blush. He looks tired, but he didn't earlier. No, not exactly tired, more like he's about to pass out. 

His body suddenly relaxes and his eyes close and mine widen. 

"Shit," I whisper, sitting up and looking around. "Call Zack. Fuck," I say, and MJ is already ahead of me. 

"Hey, Zack, it's MJ. Yeah, we got a bit of an emergency."

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