Part One

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It was a nice day to run across Green Hill. It was great to feel the wind while running. I wasn't alone though. Tails decided to go with me. While we were running, I noticed some of Eggman's robots. Tails and I defeated them.
"Where the heck did they come from?" I said.
"I don't know, but we should check the city." Tails said. "Maybe Eggman's there too."
So we ran to the city, and Tails was right. Eggman was there with lots of robots terrorizing the city. We were surrounded with those robots, but we manage to defeat some. Then our friends came. Amy smashed the robots with her Piko Piko hammer and Knuckles punched them. Egghead was angry.
"You won this time, but I'll be back." He said.
He flew away. Amy (as usual) ran to me, and hugged me.
"I thought I will lose you." She said.
"Don't worry, Ames. The only things that can kill me is me." I said.
"That's the Sonic I fell in love with." She said.
You know, Amy loves me since we first met. I remember running on the Little Planet, and I saw her being taken away by my metal self. Some would say saving her is like saving a princess, but saving a princess leads to love, and I don't love Amy. Yet(we'll talk about it later).
Back to what happened, we went back to Tails' place. Tails said that if Eggman used a lot of robots, it could means that he's onto something really bad(not worse than his Phantom Ruby plan, but still bad). It was very late to do anything, so all Amy and Knux decided to go home. I stayed at Tails' because I didn't have a home.
Next morning Tails found something on his radar that he didn't see before. He wanted me to check it out. I went to the place where this thing was. I saw a light. It was some sort of portal. Then I saw a person, but I couldn't see it well because of the light. Then I heard a familiar voice:
"Hey, Sonic. Did you miss me?"

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