Part Two

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It was Marine. She's from the Sol Dimension. It's like ours, but instead of Chaos Emeralds they have Sol Emeralds.
"Hey, captain." I said. "Nice to see you again. Why are you here? And where's Blaze?"
"Well, mate, Eggman Nega is planning to destroy both of our world again." She said. "He never gives up. He's probably here. We built a portal to get here. Blaze is looking around at the moment. She will be back in any-"
"Hey, Sonic, how's it going?" Blaze said.
I didn't know why, but I actually felt nervous, when I heard Blaze's voice. Well I won't tell you why. You probably know it.
"Well, Tails found something on his radar." I said. "It turned out to be this portal you two came out."
"Well, we can use your help." She saidm "I'm sure Marine told you everything you need to know."
"I'm happy to help you, your Highness." I said.
Blaze laughed.
"Just don't call me that." She said.
"Whatever, princess."
I made her laugh again. Gosh, I love her laugh.
We made our way back to Tails' place. Tails was surprised to see the two friends, especially Marine('cause we never seen her since our trip to the Sol Dimension). I explained to Tails why are they here.
"So that's what both Eggmen are planning." He said.
"Sure looks like it." I said.
"Well it's late, and I think you guys don't have any place to stay except mine." He said. "Because there just two rooms for both of me and Sonic, one of you have to sleep with one of us, and the same with the other one."
"I want to sleep with Tails." Marine said.
"Then I guess I have to sleep with Sonic." Blaze said.
I was happy, but I didn't show it. We went to sleep after the discussion.

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