Part Seven

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It was a nice winter day. I went outside with my love, Blaze. We threw snowballs at each other, and had fun. I remember seeing Amy in winters, but not now. That was a bit sad for me 'cause she liked winter and because of me she wasn't here.
Anyways, we had fun. Tails and Cream joined too.
"We should race." Tails said.
"I'm in, but where to?" I said.
"From here to Cream's place." Tails said.
"Okay, I'm in." Blaze said.
"Me too." Cream said.
So we raced to Cream's place. I won as usual, Blaze was second, Tails was third and Cream was forth. We decided to go in the house. Vanilla was pleased with us. She made cake and tea for us. We spoke to each other and stuff. Blaze suddenly said:
"Hey, Sonic, can we talk outside."
"Yeah, sure." I said.
We went outside. There was a park near the house. We sat down on a bench there.
"What's wrong, Blazey?" I said.
"I know you love Amy." She said.
"What?! No, I don't love her, I love you." I said.
"Don't lie to me, Sonic." She said. "You were sad when she left you, and you were sad when we had fun. So tell me the truth. Do you love her?"
"No, I don't." I said.
"I said don't lie to me!" She said.
She grabbed me by the neck.
"Why are you doing this?" I said.
"Because you don't tell the truth." She said. "Now tell me. Do you love Amy?"
"No, I don't." I said.
She burned me and I felt down. She then realised what she had done, and ran to me while crying. Everything faded to black.
I woke up in my room, and I couldn't move at all. Tails ran to me.
"Sonic, I'm glad you're alive."
"Yeah. This hedgehog has a lot of lives in him. But I can't move." I said.
"You'll be like that for a week." Tails said.
"Where's Blaze?" I said.
"She's downstairs." Tails said.
"Can I speak to her?" I said.
"Yes." Tails said.
He left the room. After two minutes Blaze came in. She was still crying.
"I'm so so sorry, Sonic." She said. "I don't know what had gotten into me. I love you, and I always will. Can you forgive me?"

Hi, mates. I'm Gameking. I hope you liked the previous parts. Now I want you to choose the ending of this story. Do you want Sonic to forgive Blaze or do you want Sonic to end up with Amy? Write "Forgive" for the forgive ending or write "Sonamy" for the Sonamy ending. You have one week for this.

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