We Are Not Just Friends

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'Love not looks with the eyes but with the mind and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.'

A quote from Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' which was said by Helena due to jealousy when Demetrius was persuaded by Hermia's beauty.

Love is irrational, that's for sure.

We think madly when we're in love and we tend to jump into conclusions before knowing the truth first.

A fact that was put to test when I saw Izzie and Alycia hugging on Izzie's front porch.

It is not a normal friendly hug, it is more like an Ive-missed-you-so-much and an I-dont-want-to-let-you-go hug.

The first thought that came into my mind was, What the fuck?! then came the, Maybe I should just leave, then follows with a, What the fuck is going on?

I was about to climb back into my car when Izzie spotted me. She said something to Alycia and then she runs towards me.

I leaned on my car and pretend to be cool about it.

She looks nervous though and uncomfortable. Izzie looks like she has seen a ghost.

"Newton, you're early." she looks uneasy which worsened when Alycia reaches us. She stops at Izzie's side.

"Hi, Casey." She waves at me, I nod in return.

Alycia stands awkwardly while I feel uncomfortable with her there, "So, are we going?" I turned my attention to Izzie.

Hoping she would get the hint and ditch Alycia.

"Where are you guys going?" I almost couldn't stop myself from replying why the hell she cares but managed to stop myself.

Izzie was the one who answered. "Newton and I will be visiting her brother's umm, kid?" she was unsure about how to call Sam's adoptive penguin.

I guess she didn't get the hint.

Alycia got confused, "My brother adopted a penguin at the Penguin Camp. We're heading out the Aquarium to check on her, Sam's orders."

"He did? That's so cool." she seems genuinely interested. "Can I come?"

Oh hell no!

"Sure." Izzie answers but then she immidiately looks at me, "I'm sorry Newton, is it okay if she tags along?" 

I am starting to get annoyed on how this day is going. All I want to do is to hit the reset button so that I could start today all over again.

I shrug and start to walk towards the driver's side, "The more the marrier." I said nonchalant.

All through out the drive, it felt like I was the third wheel, which made me a so confused because just the other day I swear Izzie wouldn't even look at Alycia's way.

But now, they seem to be like bestfriends. Well, technically they were but I thought they're not in good terms?

They were talking and laughing about things. Izzie even sits sideway so that she could face Alycia who is sitting at the back, who also seems to moved forward near the console.

It's irritating and I know this is starting to get on my nerves.

I just wanted to spend some alone time with Izzie but I guess that's not gonna happen.

I was a bit glad when we reached the Penguin Camp. They seemed to be so pumped up with the idea of seeing penguins while I feign excitement.

"Hey, Iz I'm just..." I was about to tell Izzie that I'll get our tickets but I was not prepared with what I saw.

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