We Are NEVER Getting Back Together

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Casey tried her best to stay still and to not look at the silhouette lying on the lower bed beside hers.

But it was easier said than done.

Unknowingly, she just finds herself staring at Izzie. Wondering how she would act around her or what the other girl might be thinking right now. She is imagining different scenarios that might happen the next day only to freak out more because none of it ends good for her.

She had hurt her, a lot.

Casey had spent years wondering how she is and now that Izzie's only an arm length away from her, she couldn't do anything about it.

Maybe this was the universe telling her something, she just doesn't know what yet.

"Stop staring." Casey almost jumps out of her bed when she heard Izzie's voice.

"I'm sorry." for everything. She wanted to add but didn't. She couldn't.

And then there was silence again.

Izzie turns to her, and now Casey can easily see her face due to the night light coming from outside their window.

"Look, I want to focus on this training okay? And I dont want any drama."

Typical Izzie, always hating drama. She hasn't change.

Casey nods. "Yeah, I understand."

"Good. We'll just pretend that we don't know each other." Izzie turns her back on her, because she wouldn't want Casey to see how hard this is for her.

Izzie brakes a little everytime she sees her.

Casey sighs, "Can we please talk?"

Izzie ignored her because she there is no way that she'll trust herself. That is why she panicked when she had heard Casey's bed made a noise, she shuts her eyes real tight and prayed that the other girl would just leave her alone.

But she didn't, instead Casey sat down carefully on the foot of her bed.

"Iz. Please, talk to me." She begs and her hopes went up a bit when Izzie abruptly sat up.

Izzie looks mad but she could see the hurt on her face too. And it felt like someone punched her at her gut. "I owe you an apology."

When Casey didn't received any reply or objection, she bravely continues. "I handled the situation badly and I hurt you. It was the hardest thing that I had to do. But I had no choice."

"Yes, you have! And you have chosen to break my heart." Her tone was full of emotions that she almost choke on her own words.

Casey stares at her, hating herself a little more.

"I thought I was doing the right thing."

She really did think at that time that it was for Izzie's own good.

Izzie scoffs, "You left me, Casey. There was nothing right on the way that you have treated me before."

This scene seems very familiar to Casey. The only thing was, Alycia was the one who was begging for Izzie's forgiveness before while she watched on the side.

But now, it was her who had hurt Izzie and who is desperately asking for her forgiveness.

"I'm so sorry. I wish I could tell you that if only I could turn back time and wouldn't do the same, but I can't. Because the truth is, I would still do the exact same thing."

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