first day of school

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August 20, Monday.

I'm 5 years old and I'm ready for my first day of school. I'm so nervous about everything. What if I get lost? What if I dont make any friends? The possibilities are ENDLESS! But, I am happy about my new clothes, shoes, and my very first backpack. I was wearing a black shirt with a skull on it saying, "dont pick a bone with me." I had on dark blue jeans with dark gray shoes.

I was in the car with my mom in my big boy car seat. I was eating some toast while looking out the window. Seeing the houses, trees, and other cars go past me. The sun was already up in the sky and it looked really nice now that I'm paying attention to it.

"Okay, here we are!" My mom says with happiness in her voice to keep me calm.

I look at the school and it looks like a castle to me. Its so big! It even has a big clock!!

I saw some kids in the school already and I started to feel scared.. When my mom parked the car, I grabbed my things and got out. I ran over to her and held her hand while walking to the big black gates. Feeling so much fear isn't okay for a 5 year old!!

I went passed the big gates and around. I saw blue tables that have the diamond shaped holes on the table and seats almost everywhere, the giant clock, huge colorful trees, and things to keep the tables stay in the shade. I saw some kids sitting at the table but in groups and some by themselves.

Me and my mom go to the office so I get my planner and schedule. She gives me a kiss and hug goodbye.

"Be good, Luci. Use your manners and do what the teacher says, okay?" My mother says with a look that says remember these words. I nod my head fast but small "yes, mama. I will. I love you." I say with a fake smile "I love you too, my little devil." She smiles and attacks my face with kisses that make me feel so much better. I watch her leave and the feeling of fear comes back. A lady from the front desk walks over to me and puts her hand on my shoulder. She was a Cyclops. She had short curly hair with a light green blouse, jeans, and sneakers. Her skin was a light brown color with green freckles. "Hello there! Whats your name?" She asks kindly and sweetly. I look up at her and my cheeks get warm. "Luci.." I say shyly. "Well, come with me. I'll show you everything you need to know. And if you need any help, come over here and you can ask me for help. Okay, sweetie?" I smile at her kindness "yes, ma'am." We walk out of the office and she gives me a tour around the school and to show me where my classes were. She showed me where the cafeteria was, where to eat, and where to line up when recess and lunch is over. I thanked the nice lady every time she showed me where to go and I gave her my sweet smile. After what felt like...for a while, she brought me back to the tables where all the other kids were since we were done looking around. "I hope you have a great first day here, Luci!" " Thank you, ma'am" I say shyly but with a smile on my face. The lady walked back to the office. I looked at the tables and kids that were there and felt a bit scared. I found an empty spot and went over to it. While walking, a few of the kids looked at me and gave me a..weird look.. Like..they hated me.. And right when I was about to sit down, "sorry, this spot is taken." A vampire girl put her backpack where I was going to sit and gave me the same look the others did.. I wanted to say something to her, but I was too scared to. So I started looking for a place to sit until the bell rang.

I managed to find one and it was under a tree. I sat there looking down around and then down at myself. Wondering why the other kids looked at me like that. Why that girl didnt let me sit there when I knew no one was going to sit there. They dont know me and..they already don't like me.. And I have no idea why..

My whole day wasn't good. No one wanted to play with me in class. Not even the other demons. I was alone in there, recess, and lunch. I..even got picked on for my red skin.. They kept on giving me that look again..! They dont know me and they already hate me! ...If they hate me already, why even try making them like me tomorrow..?

I was in class and my teacher had told us to clean up before the bell rang. While doing what she said, a few of the kids that walked past me moved away from me to the side like I was sick. They just kept their distance from me. The teacher didn't even care.. The bell rang and I was so happy to go home to my mommy and daddy. To watching tv and playing with my Legos. The teacher told us to line up so she can walk us out. I went to the very back of the line so I can avoid the look and comments. didnt work.. A few of them looked back at me, gave me a different look but no different from all the others I had, and just laughed a bit. They were probably laughing at my red skin.. My teacher started to walk us out of the classroom and to the giant gates from this morning. She stayed with us until all the other moms and dads picked up their kid. I stood by the teacher looking for my mommy.

After a while, I saw her and started running to her, relieved that the one person who doesnt look at me the way the others do was my mom. She smiles and goes down on one knee and opens her arms out to me. I jump into them and hug her tightly, not wanting to let go. "How was your first day?" She asks with curiosity. "F-Fine, mama." I give her another fake smile, but this one didnt work. "Are you sure?" Thats when I started to panic a bit inside. "Mhm. Just tired." I give her another smile but bigger and more convincing. We walked to the parking lot and got in the hot car which later cooled down. She took us to the liquor store and she bought me some candy, chips, and chocolate milk.

She made my day a whole lot better. Thank you, mama.

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