Sugar day

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It's Sugar day (halloween) and its also my birthday. What a coincidence. On Sugar day/my birthday, my mom always throws a really great halloween party for me. She decorates the house in the living room to where 90% is decorated. She put up fake spider webs, giant realistic spiders on the wall including fake blood, bats hanging from the ceiling, skeleton hands on the table, and monster heads on sticks around the kitchen and living room (their version of their monsters are freaky, deformed aliens). She makes really good spider-shaped cookies, cake, and food for the adults. This year was going to be different, of course, but I'm hoping my mom doesn't get sad today.

Its 4:12pm and the party doesn't start till 5:00pm. I was in my room watching my favorite Sugar day movie Nightmare before Christmas, with the most famous actor, Jack Skellington. I was at the part when the little monsters brought the easter bunny to Jack instead of Santa. When the bunny gets scared, it makes me laugh every time.

I heard the doorbell ring and I quickly went downstairs to see who it was. "Who is it?!" I ask my mom while she's making her way to the door. I stand behind her when she opens it, I peak over and see Greg and his parents. My mother greets them then we step back to the side to let them in. Me and greg do our little handshake and laugh. "Mom, may I go to Luci's room?" " Only if his mother is okay with it" Greg's mother, Mandy, looks at my mom for approval. "Thats fine" Greg quickly takes off his shoes and puts them near the door against the wall. "Race you!" Greg starts running up the stairs and I try to run past him. We both reach the last step and I dash in my room. "I won!" I laugh and lightly pant. Greg walks in and doesnt pant. "Aren't you out of-" "Nope. Air isn't that important for me" I sigh deeply "right" I chuckle and me and him start playing some of my games.

At around 5:30, more of my mom's friends are here but they dont have any kids. Me and Greg are in the kitchen eating some meat, drinking some cherry soda, and eating a few cookies. We were almost done and it was close to us leaving the house to go get some candy. Where I live is a safe, quiet neighborhood. Nothing bad ever happens, so I know I'll be safe going out by myself like a grown-up.

"Done!" I say with excitement since I finished my food first. "Wait up! I'm not done yet!" Greg says before he starts to shove the rest of his food in his mouth. "...dunh!" Greg and I get up and run to the trash to throw away our paper plates. We run upstairs to my room to get our pillowcases and back down to the front door. I remembered that I had to tell my mom when me and Greg leave. I do so, run back to Greg, and we leave the house. Our first time going out on our own. Taking our first steps outside at night was a thrill! We start walking down the street going house to house.

After 20 minutes of going to people's houses, we see one with fog machines, flashing lights in the garage, scary noises, and really scary decorations that look like actual bugs and the people are dressing up as the monsters, me and Greg look at each other and smile brightly. We run over to the house's steps and walk over to them while looking at everything in awe. I knock on the door and yell "trick-or-treat" with Greg. The door had a giant realistic spider on it.

When the door opens, my eyes widened and I felt my jaw drop a bit and then feel a smile on my face. My face started to feel really hot. My hands where getting all sweaty but they were cold. I couldnt believe my eyes. I held my pillowcase out with it being open to get my candy. I step back when I get it and start walking away slowly from the house, looking over my shoulder and smiling more. Never seen something so cute before in my life until now.

After an hour of going to houses and getting candy, we go back home and to my room, dump our candy on the floor, and start trading some of our candy. I couldn't get what I saw out of my mind. Every time I think about it I smile and just feel so happy. Like I had gotten an award!

The party ends at 10 since I had school the next day. Me and greg stayed in my room watching tv and eating our candy. It was 7:45pm and I was on a sugar rush. So, me and Greg decided to play some games. We played my favorite fighting game "death match!" Me and him chose our favorite character and started playing.

We played for two hours until my mom came in my room to tell Greg that he was leaving. He grabbed his pillowcase and got up. I turned off my game and walked him down to his mom. "Oh, wait!" I run over to the kitchen, grab a few cookies, put them in a baggie and run over to him. I hand to him and whisper in his ear. "For lunch..." Greg looks at me and nods. He puts the cookies in his pillowcase and leaves with his mom.

Some of my mom's friends were still here eating, talking, and drinking. "Go take a shower and get ready for bed." " Yes, mama." I run upstairs, grab my pajamas, and get in the shower. 15 minutes later, I go in my room, turn off my game and switch it to watch some cartoons. I lay down on the bed wearing a black and gray short sleeve shirt and some black pajama bottoms. I pull the covers up to my chest, lay on my side and watch tv.

All of a sudden, I see an image in my head that I saw last night that makes me smile and feel warm inside. I smile with my eyes closed and sigh softly. I'll never forget the beauty I saw that night.

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