not the same anymore

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When I found out about the news of my dad being dead, the atmosphere just changed. I've been feeling really sad and lost lately. Like I was homesick while I was in my room. I always hear my mom crying in different places in the house; mostly in her room. At night, when I wake up from hearing her sobs, I go to her room and lay down with her in the hopes that it'll help her. It helps me from not feeling so lonely. But, I get that feeling again when I'm at school. When I'm with my friends, they always have something positive to say while I'm dwelling in my father's death and not wanting to make my friends sad. So, I either dont talk, or I fake my happiness. I end up crying a few times when my teacher or one of my friends ask about my dad.

My mom is worse. She barely smiles now and I miss it. She fakes it most of the time, but she will sometimes give me a real one with tears in her eyes. She has these weird bottles with either clear or dark-colored drinks that I think say wine. I've never seen her drink these before. Not even dad. Once, I saw her pouring some in a funny-looking glass, and when she was going to take a sip, she just sighed and dumped it in the sink. I found that very confusing. Why pour it then dump it before taking a sip? Why didnt she want to take the sip? Why is she even drinking that stuff? What is "wine" anyway?

My house looks and feels so dark now without my dad. Even though we are demons, and we decorate our house with dark colors, it just feels..different now. Like the colors match our sadness. Our lack of happiness. Its not the same anymore... And I miss him... We need you, dad.. Mom..needs you..

(329 words)

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