the messages, the talk

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🔵um..its the girl from the fight that happened today.. The..angel..

I couldn't believe it! How did she-..Greg. I wonder if this is the same angel from Sugar Day..

🔴oh! How..did you get my number?

🔵your friend gave it to me.. The zombie..

🔴oh. Um..why heh?

🔵I wanted to thank you for helping me today.. So..thank you..

I smiled and softly chuckled

🔴heh. Your welcome. You look familiar, so that's one reason why I helped you

🔵you look familiar too..

My eyes widen. "This could be her!"


🔵yea.. Um..I feel like..

My heart starts racing. Why didnt she finish the message? What was she going to say? My hands start to get warm and sweaty.

🔵..I feel like I've seen you on Sugar Day..?

My eyes widened and I gasp loudly. I throw my fists up in the air and face the ceiling. "Yes!! It's her!!"

🔴yea, I think I saw you on sugar day too!

🔵oh, wow..! Small world, heh..

🔴yea. Maybe we can hangout tomorrow and kinda catch up or something

I grin like crazy, waiting for her response. After about 5 minutes of waiting, my grin goes away and I start to get worried and impatient. Did I ruin things? I start to regret asking that question and face palm.

As soon as I was about to type something, my screen changes to show that my mom is calling. My eyes widen and my heart skips a beat. I gasp and get hit with a wave of heat on my face. I answer it and hold it up to my ear, sounding nervous. "Hello..?" "I just got a call from the school that you got into a fight!" She sounded both angry and worried. "What happened?! Are you okay?! Where are you!?" "I-I'm okay, mom.. I-I saw this angel girl get beat up by a huge werewolf jock and I knew the girl..! And..I-I just got so angry and..lost control of myself.." My throat starts to tighten and I can feel my face get hot. "I-I'm sorry, mama... I-I got scared and came home...!" I sniffle and tears start to come out of my eyes. I hear my mom sigh deeply. "Luci, calm down.. I'm not mad at you, okay..? Just breathe.." I do as she says and try to take deep, steady breaths but they come out shaky. "I'll talk to you when I get home from work." "O-Okay.."

I let out a heavy sigh and rub my face. I check my messages with the angel girl and I still didnt get anything. I let out a soft disappointed sigh and lay down on my bed. I put my phone on my stomach and turned on the tv. I check my phone for any notifications from her almost every 10 to 30 seconds. After maybe 20 minutes of constantly checking, I get a message from her.

🔵y-yea, I'd like that.. I'm sorry for not responding right away.. I was doing the dishes..

🔴oh, don't worry. Where do you want to meet up tomorrow morning?

🔵let's go meet up by the abandoned bathroom..

I raise a brow in confusion and tilt my head a little.

🔴um..okay. Sure. Why there, exactly?

🔵u-um...I can't exactly tell you.. W-Will you still meet me there..?

🔴yea, of course ☺


🔴what's your name?

Fallen(love)angelWhere stories live. Discover now