Rex X Reader

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When you and I met.


He.....w.....wak...wake up!". Opening your eyes, you saw a boy your age crouching next to you. Seeing your open eyes brought a smile to his face and relief. He stood up "Hi, the names' Rex. What are you doing sleeping in the middle of the gormotti Titan?" He asked.

Sitting up slowly, you looked around. This was the gormotti titan, but how could you end up in a video game? The boy saw your confusion, just as he was about to speak, a woman with short red hair and a girl with cat ears ran up behind the boy. The cat eared one spoke first "Rex! You shouldn't go off runnin like That! It's dangerous you chi-" she stopped, she took one look at you and turned back to the boy who's name was apparently Rex.

"Ah, so this is why you were in such a hurry, Isn't it?" She said while crossing her arms. "Well I can't just let a girl lay out ere' with that on my conscious now can i?" Rex said taking a step forward in argument.

The red head joined in, along with a giant tiger that you had just noticed was next to furry ears "um, maybe we should discuss this someplace safer? Not only are we in danger but so is she...".

After having enough of playing the silent game, you spoke up "um, I just wanted to ask, this is alrest...right?". They all just stared at you blankly until the tiger spoke up "yes, also as for our introductions I am dromarch, this is Nia,Rex,and Pyra". He said gesturing to each individual. I stood on my feet and dusted the dirt off my clothing. "My name is (Y/n), it's nice to meet you all" though you knew them already, you hadn't gotten far into the game when you fell asleep binging on it.

Rex took a step towards you "why exactly are you sleeping in such a dangerous place?". Looking around and sighing you explained, very Vaguely "I'm not sure, let's just say I wasn't here when I fell asleep....". Nia stepped up "You look a little young to be drinkin....".

Shaking your head quickly you explained "n-no I don't drink, let's just say I'm not from this place....". Pyra took the hint it wasn't somthing you wanted to talk about, so she helped to drop the conversation "um, could we talk about this in gormont province? Like rex said, it's not the safest idea to stand around here all day".

Rex nodded and took your hand "yeah, let's go" and the 6 of you made your way to the closest town.

Once you had gotten there, you were hesitant to tell them you weren't from alrest but you then recalled the newest DLC released for the game where Shulk and Fiora had been introduced, so maybe they would believe you.

"That's why you were asleep out there" Pyra said as she sat next to you. "I haven't the slightest idea where these portals keep openin, but it might be best if we stay alert" Nia tipped in.

Rex was out at the moment, he and dromarch had gone to ask for information around town retaining to other matters, so they still hadn't heard your story. "I'm not sure why, but perhaps there may not be a way home for me....not like I'd wanna go back anyway" you said, the last part barely audible. Nia looked at you questionably "and why exactly do you not want to go back? Seems like an insane wish if you ask me" she said with sarcasm and crossed her arms.

You looked down and went silent, this worried Put a and Nia. Before either of them could question you however, Rex and Dromarch had returned. "Hey everyone! We're back!" He exclaimed happily. The whole room went silent for a second until "um, did I miss somthing or..." Rex asked, oblivious.

You stood up and smiled gently "no, nothing at all" you then proceeded to leave the room so Pyra and Nia could fill him in.

Meanwhile, you had found yourself a place to sit on top of a roof close to the entrance of the town. You gazed at the sunset as the memories began to replay in  your head.

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