Reader X Hugo

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Gm: please note that I haven't finished the Torna DLC yet, ive gotten up to the point where you cross the desert. Most of what I tell will be a bit OOC so please forgive me.

Here I will assume that Hugo is about the same age as Niall, so he's about 15 or 16.

I hope you enjoy it AxlarcFirst. (He's da requester)

It had been some time since you met Hugo, you had been friends since you were young. Some even said that, with you being of equal stance as hugo; one day you would be wed to him. However, those were just rumor, right?

Time had gone and passed in a blink of an eye, you and Hugo were almost 16. Malos had recently been causing more trouble than normal. It seemed as though he had targeted something....

Or someone....

It was up to you, your blades:Sheba and Perceval, And Hugo with his blades Aegaeon and Brighid; to put a stop to his terror.

Your search for the rampant blade began on the gormotti Titan. After hearing reports of a near by village being burned to the ground, The both of you decided to check it out. There you met the 7th In line for the tornan throne,the alleged Addam.

(A/n he is the 7th In line right?)

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Addam" Hugo said with his normal formalities. Addam stepped forward to shake the fellow royal "the pleasure is mine". Once intro fiction were out of the way, all of you decided it was better to take malos on together, beginning your journey with the amusing group.

Lagging behind on your way back to the ship, Addam decided to stike up a conversation with you.

"So what exactly are you to hugo?"

Looking at him confused, you replied "um, I'm sorry, I don't believe I understand what you are saying?".

He sighed "I mean do you hold any affection towards him? You know, like love?".

His question set your face ablaze, seeing your expression alone was enough to answer his question.

After a long awkward silence Addam spoke "you should tell him".

Looking at him as if he were insane, you realized what he was implying.

"During this mission to take down malos, Hugo could fall in battle. I'm quite sure you knew of this when you acommpanied him, did you not?".

All that came from you was silence. You knew of that fact, yes. However, you had no clue you held such feelings towards the royal till now.

Addam growing concerned of your silence was about to speak up when you had arrived at your destination. Briskly walking aboard with shadowed eyes, you left to your temporary quarters for the evening;leaving not only one Prince bewildered, but two.

The conversation between the others was not heard by you, as you had stayed in your room and eventually fell asleep. You awoke to the sound of your door being open; still being half asleep, you lied there as a figure approached your bedside.

"To think, your still the same as when we were children.."

The voice that spoke set your heart at ease, Hugo seemed to not notice that you were awake, as his hand had found itself stroking your hair. His action gave you a feeling of complete relief. He was right here with you In This moment, and nothing could make you feel safer.

Due to being in such a relaxed state, you mumbled his name, not realising what you had done. His affection had ceased, causing you to look upwards lazily. After Remebering how improper you and been acting, you sat up quickly and apologized profusely.

After your little embarrassing moment, you could hear Hugo chuckling. Looking up, you saw the smiling Prince you knew as a child. Leaning towards him on your hands, you whispered In his ear.

"What's so funny, hot stuff?"

His chuckling stopped and his face and ears were a bright red. You used to love seeing him so flustered as a kid, and seeing it agian years later brought a smile to your face. As your were laughing at his reaction, you didn't notice that your were still holding yourself up with one arm on the bed.

While Hugo was trying to find words the say, he accidentally knocked your arm out for under you, sending you face to face with the royal. Luckily, he caught your arm before you could fall and him and hurt your self, but the proximity wasn't entirely the most comfortable thing

He looked at you for a moment with a look In his eyes you couldnt figure out. After the awkward silence and the event that took place, you were about to leave away and brush off your rapidly beating heart.

What Hugo did next was quite unexpected.

He pulled your closer until his lips brushed over yours. This sent you face aflame with blush. Soon enough he closed the distance and kissed you gently. You didn't think he had the courage to make such a bold move on his best friend but that didn't really matter now.

Because you had him and he had you.

Addam:*looks at huge pile of work* um, where did this come from?

Gm:-muffled screams-

Jin: that's Gm's School work...

Lora:shouldn't you get her out jin?


*him reaches in the pile and pulls out a suffocating Gm*

Gm:*Gasp* *cough cough* th-thank you *Gasp* Hun.

Jin: hm *nods*

Addam: what happened to you? You've been gone for weeks.

Gm: I've been In there *points to school work*

Lora:is most of this math?

Gm:yes *takes out match*

Addam:what are you doing Gm?

*Gm throws match on pile of school papers*

Gm:just erasing a pain in the ass...

Gm:I'm sorry I haven't been able to update often.

Gm:right now I'm working to get some of my next chapters out for some of my books.

Gm: plz forgives meh

Gm: plz forgives meh

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