Mythra X Male Driver! Reader

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Gm: this was Requested by Son-Of-Satan. Hope you like It!

You were about 17 when you found yourself resonated with the aegis mythra. She was a bit of a tsundere and annoying somtimes, but you still loved her all the same.

It's been about 4 years since you found your partner; you be traveled across all the titans and met so many people. You got to know mythra and bit by bit....

You fell in love...

You were staying in Uraya for the time being. Due to certain reasoning, you needed to speak with Mintoh In Private.

"Geez this place is packed..." You complained. "Yeah, well at least we're safe here" Mythra shot back.

Making your way around the beautiful city, you found yourselves standing at the steps that lead to the grave site of the Merc, Vandham.

You looked over at Mythra to see a crest fallen expression on her face. "Hey, is there somthing wrong?" You asked, gently putting a hand on her shoulder. "N-no, I'm fine.." she shook your hand off and proceeded to head for the docks.

Though it did hurt when she shook you off, you knew that she needed some space and besides, you needed to speak with Minoth in private.

Looking to the direction where Mythra walked off, you sighed and turned to make your way to the theatre. Once there you went back stage to find him.

You had been having some mixed feelings about mythra lately. You loved her, yes, but she was a blade, a being that did not age or die. You on the other hand, were human, you'd age and die taking Mythra down with you.

You didn't want her to forget you when she returned to the core crystal.

You took a right down the hall and came face to face with a door being slammed open in your face.

"I am done with you Harold! I can't stand your pompous attitude anymore! I QUIT!" The woman whom you assumed opened the door stomped away.

Sitting up from your place on the floor, you rubbed your head. "Damn that hurt" you said under your breath.

The next person who walked out the door was the man you were looking for, Minoth. "I swear to the architect she over reacts far too much...". Minoth held out his hand for you to grab. "Are you alright? I think I heard the door cracked" he chuckled.

Scratching the back of your head you sighed "Heh, yeah, hurts like all hell but I'll be fine" you brushed yourself off and questioned the writer/director "the hell was that all about?". "That was Jessica, the main actress for my play about the aegis, she's a sensitive one she into a fight with Harold, the actor that stars as Addam, and now she apparently has quit..." Minoth sighs.

"Anyways, you said you needed to speak with me in your letter. May I ask that we wait till tomarrow to discuss the matter; I have fo find a new lead role as soon as possible." Minoth asks.

"Uh, yeah sure, geuss me and Mythra will stay at the inn tonight".

Minoth apologises for the inconvenience and makes way to his office.

Leaving the theatre, you make your way to the docks to find Mythra to tell her of the news.

"Now where in the architect's name is she- oh there she is" spotting her, you make your way over.

"Hey Mythra," you greet.

"Hey (Y/n)" she says back.

"So I've got some bad news..."

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