[Old Book] Things My Physics Teacher Has Said

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- 'Your answers have to be clear. Make them dull and boring, like some of you in this room.'

- We were answering a question about forces acting of a rocket and we were taking a long time: 'Oh come on! It can't be that hard! It's not rocket science!'

- Because he disagreed with something in the textbook: 'People often ask me why I don't write a textbook myself and my answer is simply because I can't spell'.

- 'My brother got a genetic disease so I went to the doctor's surgery to tell him I think I had it too. He suggested I get it scanned if it was stressing me out and occupying my mind to that extent, but he did also tell me that I should get my mental stability checked out because he thought I was neurotic for worrying about everything too much.'

- 'I usually get asked in interviews why they should hire me or what makes me special and sets me apart from the other candidates for the job. Then I tell them this short story about two students in my previous school. They got so passionate in one of my lessons; there was a disagreement between them about a theory we were discussing in the lesson, and one of them got really frustrated because he thought he was right that he punched the other kid it the nose. The interviewers get impressed that I made physics so exciting a fight broke out because of it.'

- Someone's phone rang in class and their ringtone was Shine Bright by Rihanna, my physics teacher got really angry because 'DIAMONDS REFLECT, THEY DON'T SHINE!'

- My physics teacher showed us the video I attached and said he would like to do what the teacher in the video did but 'the school doesn't want me to do any fun stuff because apparently, its too dangerous and I would set a bad example for the students, plus the ceiling would probably break because its so unstable.' He called the school cheap and didn't care, I can't even...

- We were doing an experiment where two people would stand on two things with wheels and we would see who slows down first. One person would sit on a chair with wheels, while the other would go on a skateboard (yes he randomly has a skateboard in his classroom). He pushed the kid on the chair and timed how long it took him to slow down, so that was fine. Then he told the person on the skateboard to give themselves a gentle nudge; they do that and he times it, it's fine. Then at the end the kid decides to do a jump/flip thing with the skateboard. My physics teacher loses his mind and starts freaking out. Eventually, he calms down and says to never do that again because if someone got hurt he would have to fill out a form about the details of the incident and that's 'too much paperwork, I don't really care about you that much.'

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