Chapter 18

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The next morning was strange, Darren acted like nothing happened. Not wanting to start something I just put it to the side. I couldn’t get the dream out of my head; I still couldn’t get the last thing they said out of my thoughts;


Was it a name or place? It’s something important; why else would they say it?

“Hey Verity, can I borrow your laptop?” I ask curiously.

“Sure, what do you need it for?” she says smiling handing it to me.

“Uh, I just want to look up some bay names for a girl.” I say shrugging.

“Alright, when you’re done just put it in the living room.” She says turning back to the sink.

Taking a seat on the patio I begin searching anything I could. And sadly the only thing I found did little to help.

Italian (Sicily); ‘official’, ‘leader’

Um, that had to mean something right? I mean there can’t be that many werewolves with Italian origins…I’m not even going to go there. I let out a sigh and lean back in the chair.

“It’s cold out here, don’t you think you should be inside?” jumping up I spin on my heels to see Darren leaning against the wall.

“I needed some privacy; I didn’t even realize the temperature. Besides it doesn’t bother me, I lived here my entire life.” I explain shrugging.

“You’re pregnant, you being out here in the cold cant be good for you or the baby. Come inside.” He says stepping towards me.

“It’s not even that cold Darren, stop making such a deal about it.” I say letting out an annoyed sigh.

“Get inside Symphony, now!” he demands grabbing my arm yanking me forward.

“Ow! Darren let me go you’re hurting my arm!” I yell trying to yank my arm from his tight grip.

He hesitates for a few minutes before letting my arm go and stepping back.

“I’m sorry…I’m sorry.” He whispers holding his head down.

“What has gotten into you? You’ve never been this possessive, and you’ve been treating me like crap.” I say wrapping my arms around myself stepping back.

“I don’t know Symphony. I just feel like…I feel like you’re going to leave me.” he explains glancing up at me.;

“Why? What have I done to make you think that?” I ask narrowing my eyes.

“Nothing! It’s just that my wolf has been on edge he feels like you’re drifting away.” He explains sadly.

“Really? Because I feel like you’re the pushing me away. You haven’t been yourself since we got here.” I say crossing my arms. He lets out a sigh then runs past me into the woods. I let out a sigh and run my fingers through my hair.

Darren eventually came back alter that day and he wouldn’t look at me. I just wished I understood why he’s been acting so different.

“Hey Symphony, you alright?” I turn my head to see Jacob leaning against the door frame. 

“I just wish I understood what’s going on with Darren. He hasn’t been the same since we got here.” I explain letting out a sigh.

“I’m sure its nothing, you two are soul mates. You’ll work things out.” He says smiling at me calmly.

“I hope so, I don’t like seeing him this way.” I whisper collapsing back on the bed.

“Just know no matter what Symphony, we’re here for you.” He say smiling before walking away.

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