Chapter 28

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Unknown POV

I can sense that she’s near and I’m eager to find her. My dear beloved is nearby, I hate being alone and wandering around the woods alone and now I’ve found the woman I’m meant to spend the rest of my life with.

I was surprised to learn that not only did my beloved have a child but also a second mate. They were in the backyard playing when her second mate and child went inside. She chose to stay outside and what I noticed was that she was almost directly staring at me. I thought I was imagining things but she stood and I could feel her staring. I became nervous and backed up a bit but she was still staring at me even when her first mate came out. She attempted to direct him to where I was but it was like only she could see me. Eventually they went inside and I was left to listen to the quite night. The next day I found a small house that was being rented out, it was a pretty decent house so it benefited me. The only thing I needed was food, I was starving.

I entered the store and immediately I sensed my beloved was here, along with her child. Taking a deep breath I continue my way through the store collecting what I need and when I reach the aisle I notice my beloved struggling to reach something on the very top shelf. I take a deep breath and walk over to her and set my cart and easily grab the item she needed. She turns to me shocked but soon a lovely smiles appears on her face.

“Thank you, I’ve been struggling for a few minutes now. I was begging to think I wasn’t going to get it.” She say smiling at me. I smile at her gently then shrug my shoulders. Hearing a collection of thuds I turn to see her daughter had grabbed an item causing them to fall from the shelf.

“Angela! No!” she says running her fingers through her hair. I kneel down and begin picking up the boxes and right as I reach for a box so does she and the sparks fly. She stares at me shocked and hurriedly I pull my hand away, I stand up grabbing my cart and as I’m rushing away she begins calling to me.

"Wait! Don't go...come back." she yells an obvious evidence of pain in her voice.

I am a coward, I run into my beloved and we both feel the sparks and what do I do, I run.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" I grumble pacing back and forth. I let out a sigh and collapse on the couch running my fingers through my hair. Hearing a knock at the door I feel like my heart stopped, standing up slowly I walk over to the door placing my hand on the door knob. Opening the door I scrunch up my eyebrows in shock,

"Bet you didn't expect to see me again." Oh shit, the last person I ever thought I see again. What the hell is she doing here?


Yes, Symphony has a second mate and trust me this one is different from between Symphony and Dante.

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