Chapter 25

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Adrian's POV

I was happy with the outcome of Symphony's and I's date. I was completely surprised to learn that she had completely forgotten her own birthday.

Slowly slipping from beside a sleeping Symphony I walk downstairs and prepare to make breakfast when i stop dead in my tracks seeing Dante standing in the kitchen.

"I followed Whizdom here, I should've known you'd bring her here." he states smirking

"What the hell do you want Dante?" I ask crossing my arms.

"You're really beginning to piss me off brother. Making Symphony fall for you, preventing me from building a bond with her and Angela." he growl stepping forward arms crossed looking pissed.

"Don’t blame me because you haven’t tried hard enough to build a bond. Don’t blame me, don’t blame Symphony, the only person to blame is yourself. If you weren't such a stubborn person you'd realizes what an amazing person Symphony is and how lovely Angela is. You can’t blame me for anything. I haven’t done anything to prevent you from talking with her." with his eyes narrowed he takes a deep breath stepping forward but someone clears their throat. Turning around Whizdom is standing there with her hand on her hip.

"I don’t like being followed Dante.  And Adrian is right it’s no one's fault but yours." she sates walking over to the coffee machine. He lets out a huff before storming out.

" was your night with Symphony." she ask turning to me smiling.

"It was perfect." I say thinking about the kiss we shared. Hearing a loud yawn I turn back around to see Symphony with Angela on her hip.

"Did I just see Dante?" she ask curiously handing Angela to me.

"Yeah, being Dante of course had an attitude. He acts like a teenage girl." Whizdom says shaking her head. I couldn’t stop staring at Symphony by her gorgeousness, she notice me staring and began blushing madly.

"Stop staring at me Adrian." she says smiling softly.

"But you're so beautiful." I whisper leaning forward kissing her cheek.

"How sweet," Whizdoms says smiling. Rolling my eyes I jerk my hand when something bites down. Looking down I'm shocked to see Angela chewing on my hand.

"Aw, she’s teething." Symphony coos patting Angela's hand running her finger through Angela's hair.

"She's using my hand as a teething toy." I say moving my hand away from her mouth.

"We need to get her some toys to teeth on." Symphony says smiling.

"Before long she'll be saying momma, or she might even call me aunty first." Whizdom says smiling. Symphony and I never really discussed what role I play to Angela, but I look at her as if she was my own child. Maybe I should talk to her as having Angela view me as her father. I love bother her and Symphony, I would never allow anyone to hurt them. I didn’t want to rush thing between Symphony, I wanted to continue building our bound.

Later on that day Whizdom went to a visit a friend who lives nearby. I decided to take Symphony and Angela to the beach I lay out a towel for the three of us to sit on.

"It feels nice today. Believe it or not I've only been to the beach once. It was fun until I got bitten by a crab, I was afraid to go back after that." she states crossing her legs.

"I've never been bitten by anything, but I once had a starfish attach itself to my leg. I had a starfish imprint for an entire week." I explain smiling.

"When i was younger I used to be obsessed with starfish that I wanted to have one tattooed behind my ear." she explain smiling.

"I don’t know why, but you give off this vibe that I’m surprised you aren’t covered in tattoos." I explain shrugging.

"I think you'd look sexy with some tattoos." she sates smiling.

"I'll get your name tattooed on my chest." I state smirking when her face turns a deep red.

"Oh hush," she says softly nudging my shoulder. I watch her slowly and what catches my attention is Angela leaning forward towards Angela's hand with her mouth open. I grab Angela quickly before she can but Symphony causing her to giggle.

"Were you going to bite mommy?" Symphony says smiling poking Angela's stomach making her laugh and turn in my arms.

"She sure does love you." Symphony states smiling softly looking up at me.

"I want her to view me as her father but I didn’t know if you wanted her to see me as an uncle or something." I explain rubbing Angela's back soothingly.

"She needs a father figure and you've been around a long time. It's obvious she loves you." she says scooting closer resting her head on my shoulder.

"Good, because I've already claimed her as mine." I say lifting Angela up so her head can rest on my shoulder.

"Who else would she call Dad?" she ask curiously.

"No one else." I say standing up gesturing for her to stand too. She stands up, rolls the towel up, and then places her tiny hand in mine as we walk back to the house.


Who's beging to fall in love with Adrian?

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