Chapter 40

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Christmas Eve

Tomorrow was Christmas and I was extremely excited, but not as excited as Angela who hasn't been able to sit still. The good thing was I had both Dalton and Adrian are both at home. It's hard trying to care for one child when the other is using my insides for kicking practice. Going to be at night is difficult, only lying in one spot because every time I tried to move I get the crap kicked out of me. While I'm wishing to find something to calm this child down, Adrian and Dalton love feeling the kicks. Angela doesn't like the idea of sharing Dalton and Adrian. Every time someone asks her about being a big sister she says the same thing each time;

"I don’t want to share my Daddy or my uncle Dalton. I already have to share with mommy." her words exactly. It's good to know my daughter dislikes having me around Dalton and Adrian.

I sat in the living room laid out on the couch; this child enjoys kicking way to much. Anytime Dalton or Adrian rubs my stomach the kicking will calm down but as soon as their hand moves away the kicking returns.

"Angela didn't even kick this much I state turning to Dalton who's laid out on the opposite couch.

"I wonder if this one will be as hyper as her." he replies glancing up from his book.

"I hope not, I don’t think I can handle two extremely hyper active children." I mumble letting out a sigh.

"Symphony...when was the last time you heard from Whizdom?" he ask slowly. I move so I am in a sitting position and watch him curiously.

"The beginning of last month. I haven’t heard from her since then. She doesn’t live in the apartment, her phone is disconnected. I'm worried about her Dalton. I just want a phone call...something telling me she's alright." I explain worriedly.

"This isn’t like Whizdom, she would never just up and leave. But, I think I have an idea on what might have happened to her. The last phone call I got was early November, and she kept talking about her Mum. After our parents divorced her Mom...kind of went crazy. She didn’t take Whizdom with her after the divorce she just up and left. As soon as Whizdom turned 18, she left in search of her mother. Her mother had moved to Hawaii, was re-married, and had three kids with her new husband. Whizdom went to her Mom wanting love and acceptance, what she got was a cold hearted rejection. her mother told her she wanted nothing to do with her and to never contact her again. A few years ago her Mom divorced losing everything in the process. The money, the kids, the house, everything. She has reached out to Whizdom, I thought Whizdom would turn her back on her but she did the exact opposite. She gave her over 20 grand to pick herself back up. Every time her mom asked from money Whizdom gave it to her." I never heard much about Whizdom's family life so hearing some of the story shocked me.

"Do you think her up and leaving has something to do with her mother?" I question curiously.

"Most likely, I know a few months ago Whizdom and her mother got into a huge argument. Whizdom swore she would never associate with her again. But seeing how Whizdom reacts to anything involving her mother I wouldn’t be surprised if she went back on it." he explains letting out a sigh. It is silent for a few minutes before I hear Dalton clear his throat.

"My parents never got married, by my mother truly did love my father. He didn’t want anything to do with her but he wanted to be involved in my life. I didn’t understand when I was young but all I knew was that when I was older I was going to marry the woman I loved. Mom suffered from severe depression therefore Dad didn’t want to deal with her. She truly did love him, but he ignored her affection. I told myself whoever I loved that I would always stand by their side. Nothing was going to prevent me from being with the one person I love. Every since I've come her I've felt loved and wanted. I didn’t have a warm loving family, but now I do." moving from the couch I walk over to Dalton plopping down beside him.

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