Chapter 46

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A month has passed and we've gone back into our daily routine. Adrian and Dalton work while I stay at home and care for the kids. Just like I hoped for Hunter is my calm loving child, and Angela is still my hyperactive princess, whose birthday is tomorrow. My baby girl is turning one; I still can't believe it's been an entire year since I had her.

"Tomorrow is my birthday!" Angela sings dancing around the living room. I can't help but laugh from my seat on the couch. While Angela danced around, Hunter was playing in his play pen.  Even though he want as active as her, he still liked to crawl around. Trying to keep track of Angela is hard, but Hunter is an extremely fast crawler.

"Papa and Daddy aren't aloud to work tomorrow. They have to stay home and celebrate my birthday with me." she states topping in front of me

"I'll make sure they don't go to work. Tomorrow I'm going to make sure you gorgeous. Put you in a cute dress, curl that pretty hair of yours, you're going to look like a beautiful princess." I say smiling pulling her up beside me pulling her into a hug.

"Really!" she says looking up at me excitedly. She pulls away and wraps her arms around my neck squeezing tightly.

"I love you so much Mommy." she says pulling back kissing me on the cheek.

"I love you too dear." I say smiling.

Later on when Dalton and Adrian arrived home, they had to listen to Angela as she told them what would happen if they went to work tomorrow.

"Neither of you are allowed to go to work. You hvae to stay here with me, because it's my birthday. And mommy promised to turn me into a princess." she states as we all sit in the dining room eating dinner.

"We know Angel, there's no way we'll be going into work." Adrian says smiling down at her.

"Papa, I don't hear you saying anything." Angela says slowly turning to Dalton. No one will truly ever be able to understand how much Dalton loves hearing Angela call him papa. I didn't think that Angela really understood what was happening by Dalton and I getting married, but the more she started to understand things is when she began calling Dalton papa.

"Don't worry princess; I won't be working at all." Dalton states smiling.

"And now that you are done with dinner it's time for the princess and prince to go to bed." I say standing from the table lifting Hunter into my arms and gesturing for Angela to follow.


After putting the kids to sleep I head back downstairs. Both Adrian and Dalton are wrapping presents.

"Why do you two always wrap presents last minute?" I ask curiously, placing my hand on my hip.

"Why not? The wrapping paper is going to be town anyway." Adrian shrugs, setting a bow on top of her present.

"What did you two even get her?" I ask curiously.

"I got her one of those dolls that you can make look like the person." Adrian says shrugging.

"And I got her a stuffed unicorn that's bigger than her." Dalton states shrugging.

"Oh, well I got her a bike." I say shrugging.

"Alright, well we all got her a gift so we're all good." Adrian says smiling.-



Getting Angela to sit still just so I can do her hair, proved to be extremely difficult. She was so excited, and when Jessa arrived her excitement only grew grater

"Angela, Mommy needs you to calm down so I can finish your hair." I say letting out a sigh.

"I don't wanna calm down." she whines crossing her arms.

"I'm done, now go play." I say smiling. Standing I watch as she and Jessa run to the swings in the backyard. Dalton walks over to me and leans down to whisper in my ear;

"I have Adrian's present ready, when are we going to give it to him?" he ask curiously, pulling out a small velvet box.

"Not now, I'll tell you when." I say smiling gently. He nods his head and slips the box back into his pocket.

All morning Angela, Kyra, and Jessa played. We had lunch, we ate cake, and around late noon Angela and Hunter left with Monica to stay the night. After the kids left I told Adrian to get ready, he was confused but complied. We all dressed and got ready then headed out.  We arrived at the restaurant and were seated.

"You two going to tell me what's going on?" he asks curiously, while taking a sip of his wine.

"Not right now, don't worry you'll find out before the night is over though." I say smiling at him widely. He glances between Dalton and I suspiciously but shrugs his shoulders.


Dinner was wonderful, Adrian got over his suspicions and we all had a good time. It was when the waiter came back with dessert, that I decided it was time to give Adrian his gift.

"I know you're still curious as to why we brought you here Adrian." I say slowly.

"I am, I really am." he says looking between Dalton and I.

"Well when you sent Symphony and I on that lovely dinner last month we started talking. We're so grateful for all the wonderful things you do for our family so we came up with something." Dalton starts off smiling.

"Sine your birthday is in two days, we decided to combine yours and Angela's birthday. This is your birthday dinner, and we have something special for you." I say smiling nodding at Dalton. He pulls out the small velvet box and slides it to Adrian.  He stares at it confused and reached for it hesitantly. He looks at me curiously but I smile at him widely nodding my head encouragingly. He opens the box and the look on his face was priceless.

"What...I don't..." I knew he'd be confused.

"Even though Dalton and I are married, you're still a big part of this family. We love you Adrian and our family wouldn't be right, without you." I say smiling.

"Three rings connecting the three of us as a family." Dalton states smiling,

"How'd I get so lucky to have you both as my mates?" He whispers smiling.







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