Chapter 20

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Whizdom’s POV

After what happened with Symphony I texted Dante and Adrian to meet me at a local café in town. Luckily they haven’t left yet. We all sat in the booth and they instantly knew it was serious when I instantly showed them the bruises.

“She tapped into my memories, her eyes turned silver and her canines elongated. We’re waiting time we need to explain everything.” I say looking between my two cousins. Dante and Adrian aren’t twins but they’re separated by a few months.

“She’s right Dante; her leg was snapped cleanly in half. She healed within minutes, the hair, the eyes changing, and the teeth elongation. We just awoke the beast. It’s our job to control it.” Adrian says shaking his head leaning back in his seat.

“It’s to early, but I done want to take those changes. We need to talk to Symphony right now.” Dante says standing up.

Arriving back at my home we knew something was wrong the moment we pulled up. The window to my window was wide open.

“This cant be happening!” Adrian yells jumping out the car and runs into the house with Dante and I hot on his trail. Entering my room I look around to se what’s been disturbed. Walking over to my side table I let out a long sigh.

“She took my emergency pack.” I say turning to the brothers.

“What was in it?” Dante ask hesitantly.

“An ID, passport, and over 2k.” I say slowly.

“We need to look for her right now before we lose her scent.” Adrian says shaking his head.

“She two months pregnant, angry and her true form is waking. She’s more powerful in her begging stage since she has little to no control over her powers. We need to get to her.” I explain nervously.

“If she calms down maybe her form will calm.” Adrian says slowly.

“Where would she go?” Dante ask slowly.

“I don’t know somewhere far from here.” I reply running my fingers through my hair.


Adrian to the side

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