Chapter 3

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As my days pass by, my health is visibly improved as my cheeks becomes rosy and I no longer having a breathing difficulty for doing something simple as walking in the garden. The doctor said that it is a miracle that my health is no longer in a compromising situation and I should just rest, eat healthy foods and have a little exercise so that my body becomes strong. My family is so thankful that they just don't have enough time for doubt.

Before my transmigration the young miss preferred to always spend her time alone in her courtyard. She doesn't interact with her family as she is uncomfortable on how they are treating her. As for me, I always visit mother and father to greet them and spend time with them. Before, she is not keen to eat meals with them but now I always eat with them together with my brothers and sister in law.

On the dining hall as we wait for the meal to serve, we casually chat together when my eldest brother interrupt the conversation.

"My favorite youngest sister, I am happy to know that you are now in good health and getting acquainted with us everyday. It is my greatest wish that you spend your time together with us and not always locking yourself in your courtyard." My eldest brother is emotional when he said it with a little water in his eyes. The crowd becomes quiet and all eyes are on me.

My cheeks quickly blush and I shyly put my hair tight in my ears."Eldest brother thank you for your concern and I am sorry for not spending enough time with you all. I just thought that it is best to stay at my courtyard as my health is rather poor and not to worry you more." My eyes reddened and give a long sigh. "I am just thankful that my health now is improving that I can spend time with you all and play with my nephew." I smiled seeing my nephew, he is so cute and adorable little thing.

"I think that this is the best time to prepare and visit the temple to pray and thank the buddha for sister in law is now in good health." Yu Lan interjects, she reach her husband's hand and squeeze it. She gives him a small smile. Fei Hsien also squeezes her hand and gave her a look. I think that it's getting a little hot in here and fan my face 🙈🙈

"Yes! Good daughter in law is correct we must go to the temple for this good occassion and thank the buddha!" My mother excitedly order her servant to prepare for sudden journey to the temple.

"Good. The girls will go to the temple and us men will do our work. Fa Hsien go together with them and keep them from harm." My father instruct third brother firmly and give him an eye meaningfully.

Third brother quickly replied and grin, "Yes father, understood."

I saw what my father did but I just ignore it and roll my eyes secretly. We finished our breakfast and go to our respective courtyard to prepare.


The servants prepare two carriages for our journey. One for mother, sister in law, me and the most trusted maidservant of mother- Sun Mama. The other is for the servants to use. My third brother is riding his horse and will be one of our escort.

Before we ride in the carriage my third brother approach me and handed me a cloth. "Good youngest sister this is a gift from your third brother hope you wear it for me."he said smiling brightly at me.

I take the cloth suspiciously and check what it is. I laugh as I put it in my face. My third brother just shrug his shoulder. It is a veil to hide my face. Well I didn't concern myself to my appearance but I admit my face is so beautiful and couple it with a seemingly delicate and fragile body with noble aura, the hearts of the people will go nuts. In my old life it can create a huge fanbase and go viral 🙊🙊

After my brother's interruption we depart our house and go to the temple. The journey is a little bit bumpy but the carriage we are just sitting is spacious and big we have just a little to none discomfort for the rough road. My mother is busy hovering over me while my sister in law is casually chatting. She just want me to be comfortable and not having an awkward moment. Mama Sun is assisting my mother.

The ride to the temple is one and a half hour from the gate of the capital so I just prepare myself and close my eyes for a bit. I didn't notice that I slept through the travel and just woken up by the servant announcing that we are now in the foot of the temple.

Sun and Moon Temple is situated to the mountain range of Tai'Ba. It has hundreds of steep steps that it is difficult to climb but it is the favorite of the royal so it is famous to nobles and alike. The temple has a hundred thousand tree with its trunk having encased of a wide rope and colorful enclosure to protect it from the people. It is said that the hundred thousand tree will turn your wishes into reality so it is famous to the public. It has several hundreds of papers hanging on it's bark known as the wishes of all the people who visits the temple. It's majestic size and enormous height telling the people of how many years the tree withstanding the test of time.

"Sister in law after we pray and offer our thanks we must go to the hundred thousand tree so that you can put your wish on it. That tree is famous for its miracle." Yu Lan gushed out to me while marveling the scene in front of us.

My third brother who is more like my bodyguard is hiding me on his back like we are on a dangerous encounter answered protectively, "It is best for younger sister to rest after the prayer and offering. We don't want something happening to her if she didn't rest. And the hundred thousand tree has more people loitering around it is best not to go."

I stop myself from rolling my eyes after I heard what my third brother said and comfort my sister in law, "Third brother, I appreciate your concern but no need to be so worrywart. Sister in law just want me to see the hundred thousand tree for it is my first time to travel here and the tree is one of the famous sight here." I smile appreciatively at Yu Lan and she respond at me with a wink. We just laugh at my third brother for we know why he is like that.

"Okay stop the ruckus and we will now enter the main hall. Lan'er,  daughter in law come here sit beside me."My mother said, she look at my third brother with gleaming eyes and said. "Fa'er don't be too obvious. Your sister naturally know she isn't allowed to see or meet some unknown person here. Be good and allow your sister to breathe."

"I know that younger sister knows etiquette but I don't trust the leechers here so it's better to be safe." Third brother insist. My mother just shake her head. Overprotective brothers and father? Well it's kinda cute ...not really. But oh well just how it is. And I really don't plan on having a relationship with a man in this lifetime. Not again.

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