Chapter 12

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"Everyone, please excuse the disturbance. As a sign of our apology we are giving you our special pastry as a complementary. We hope for your future patronage. Thank you."

A melodic icy voice apologizing to the guests was heard. What? Is that the voice of the owner? So the one who reproached the girl is the owner of this cafe. No wonder for only the voice it can be said that the owner is noble and is of propriety. Her voice even it is cold with a hint of indifference is soothing to the ear and has a command of respect. This shows that the owner of the cafe is a noble and of high rank. They should watch their decorum in having a business to the cafe. They don't want to irate the owner for they are having a good feeling to the cafe. This is the best tea house in the city. So giving trouble is a no no unless they don't want the best for themselves.

The special complementary pastries are now being given to the guests and it can be seen that the baked good is of high quality that's why the guests are satisfied and they are happy for the service. They know that the tea house is giving them all a face for serving them a good quality product. Everybody is delighted.



In the city, news of what happened at the cafe is now circulating. The owner reprimanding a young miss of a certain Duke household for being a disturbance is a hit. Who told the young miss to be arrogant? Now her reputation for being overbearing and haughty is spreading. What will happen to her future marriage? Who will like a maiden with a bad attitude? Their household will be in dissarray and in shambles if they took her as a daughter. Who would want that? And so the young miss is so embarassed she didn't dare to go outside for fear of public scrutiny.

On the other hand, the mysterious owner of the tea house is labeled as a virtuous and the most magnanimous. Her angelic voice is like a lyrical melody that soothes their fatigue body into a comfortable heaven. Her magnanimity opposed to her icy cold voice brings a refreshing feeling that console their hearts.

Suddenly a certain tea house becomes more renowned and famous. Prominent people and even a middle class want to hear the voice of a certain someone. They are eager to hand over their money just to hear the melodic voice and if they are lucky, to have a glance of a noble beauty. The tea house surely becomes a household name.

Meanwhile a certain female lead is having the time of her life. A free advertising to her tea house is warmly welcome. This is good. Her money making for her future use is indeed pleasing to her pocket. Fei Lan ah, Fei Lan ..what a mean fox you are.




The day pass leisurely at the courtyard of a certain young miss. With her means to an end secured, she indolently live her days with her family. Only to eat, sleep, a little studying and sometimes having a quality time with her brothers and parents, she is contented.

But an unexpected epidemic occurs. All young ones are having a red spots on their skin with a high fever. They didn't know what cause it and some unfortunate children died early. The people is in clamor. The emperor command a quick disaster management but the officials doesn't know what to do. Some doctors are being dismissed because they can't seem to diagnose and provide a good treatment for the patients. They are in a mess.

In a certain household, a nephew is the center of attention. His skin is covered with red spots and he is unconsious because of a high fever. His mother is crying and the father has a darkened face. One would think they are having a big problem.

"Husband what should we do? Our son ..our son is suffering." Yu Lan is hysterical. Her son is her life. She cannot bear to witness her son's suffering.

"What is the doctor doing?! You quack doctor! Cure my child or else I will exterminate your family!" Fei Hsien thunders a threat. His child is more important. This is the heir of their household. Doing everything they can to cure the child is the top priority.

"Big brother, calm down. Nothing good will do if you are like this. Fu'er needs a comfortable and calm environment." Fei Lan pacify his brother.

She orders the servant to remove and burn all the stuff in Fu Hsi's room. She told them to keep the room clean and well ventilated. The doctor is long been forgotten and Fei Lan assumes the role of a doctor. She also said that Fu'er needs more clean and boiled water to drink for dehydration and to reduce the high fever they need to have a vigil and give a sponge bath to the child every three hours. Fei Lan also asks the servants to prepare a soft meal for the child to have enough energy.

She keep her nephew cool for the itchiness to calm. The only contribution of the doctor is the prescription for fever and pain that Fei Lan asks. Other than that she resolves her nephew's sickness with her diligent caring and acute sense of mind. After three days, they saw the treatment is effective and rejoice for a good changes of health in the child. They continue the care and treatment until Fu Hsi is good as new. The household is in a blissful joy. The next heir is now free of disease. Praise the gods.

During the treatment of Fu Hsi, the Prime Minister also convey the mode of treatment to the public. The emperor is skeptical but orders to do what is supposed to do. After a while, they saw the changes and the children who contracted the disease is slowly healing. The emperor praise the Prime Minister and asks how did the official know what to do to cure the disease.

The Prime Minister just candidly say that they just lucky to have a doctor who is diligent to his work and has a wide variety of knowledge for healing. He said that the said doctor is a wandering one that he just told them what to do and after that he just suddenly disappear. First they are also skeptical in following the doctor's order but they are afraid of what might happen to his grandson so they try to comply to what the doctor has said and they didn't regret what they did as his grandson has been cured. They are grateful to the wandering doctor that's why the Prime Minister is happy to share the good news to everyone.

The emperor either way is happy that the disaster is now ended. He give a hefty rewards to the Prime Minister.

At the Prime Minister's household, they didn't reveal the truth for they don't want to be the center of the public's eye. They are just happy that the second young miss has a knowledge of treating said disease. Fei Lan told them that she reads a lot of books and remembers a certain treatment and used it. They are a little doubtful of what Fei Lan told them but didn't force her to reveal her secret.

Fei Lan decides that she didn't want to draw attention so told a white lie to her family. She is thankful enough that they took her explanation freely and not pressure her into saying the whole truth. She just want to blend in as to not invite a marriage proposal. There is a reason why she spread a rumor about her before. But little did she knows a certain crown prince got his eyes on her.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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