Chapter 10

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The day's weather is good not too hot not too cold. It is still early in the morning and the young miss just finished her breakfast. Fei Lan as a lazy young miss of the Prime Minister household got a crazy idea. She again got bored and wants to have an amusement or entertainment. But going outside doesn't pick her interest so, what does she do?

She order all of her servants to come in front of her courtyard. She told them that they need to do something for her. She asks them to spread over so that they have a good and equal space for them to move. After seeing the servants in a good positions Fei Lan stand in her chaise lounge and told them in a low but firm voice.

"All of you, when I do something you should all copy what my movements are. Failure to follow there is consequence." She had her serious face to them. The servants all got nervous but steel their hearts and reply to their young miss with strong conviction.

"Yes young miss, we will be on your care!"

Fei Lan just survey them with eagle eyes, squinting and narrowing to know that she is serious. The corner of her right lips turning upward. She nods.

"Alright all of you, follow me .."




And that's the start of their exercising.
First the stretching starting on their head until to their toes. And then moving their limbs to check their joints. Fei Lan devise a good exercise for herself to further improve her health. And what does her servants got to do with it, you ask? Well, they just there for her own amusement. She doesn't want to exercise alone. And it is amusing to see all of her servants following her with all of their effort and concentration. And besides it is also good for them as well. Thinking about it Fei Lan also got more excited and have her movements more fluid and graceful. The servants albeit their concentration on following their young miss didn't forget to marvel and be amazed on her. Moving gracefully, Fei Lan show them how nimble and flexible her body is. Making the servants a little shy because their movement is not on par to their young miss. A few of them is graceful but not graceful enough to be near and equal by young miss. They are ashamed just to be like this. But who told their young miss to be this so good, right? They are just a lowly servant who is not accustomed at 'dancing'. Their body is forged to be hard as a rock for a rough household chores. The other servants who is a little older just don't know weather to laugh or cry. The movements their young miss is doing is unusual and unique and their old bodies cannot follow along. What should they do? What would their young miss will do to them ...aahh, they really want to cry now.

All of the servants has their own thoughts but alas! Who told them to be a servants? And even if in their hearts they are complaining, seeing their young miss excited and energetic they are very happy. The old young miss who doesn't want to do anything but read and to be her lonely self becomes the young miss of today, bright and energetic. Their heart sigh, it is great that their young miss is in good health. They are blessed.

But sadly the exercise continues ..



After the exercise Fei Lan perspires alot so she order one of her servants to prepare her bath. Her cheeks are flushing due to the strain of her exercising, giving a young miss a seductive yet innocent look. The servants just look away. Their hearts are trembling, young miss is so beautiful now. What will happen when she grows to be a young woman ..the country will be ruined.

That is just their thoughts, although the rumor circulating is opposite so what will be ruined? Either way the young miss will be having a hard life. Ruined face there will be no marriage. Peerless beauty there will be more marriage but didn't know who will be the one who will take care and truly love their young miss. Aah ..all is difficult, they will just do what they can so the young miss will not suffer in the end. To serve her and be loyal to her.

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