Chapter 3

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She got in her car. She drove to Target. Inside of Target, she was in the candy aisle because she needed to get Halloween candy, when she saw him. "SHANE! RYLAND!" she yelled. Shane and Ryland turned around. "Jaiden?" She went up to Shane and hugged him. "Omg, Hi! How are you? How are you liking L.A?" She replied, "I'm doing well! I just got here like two weeks ago, but I love it already!" They talked for a couple of minutes, which turned into an hour. Then Shane said, "You should come over sometime!" She looked stunned but she said, "Sure!" Shane replied, "How about you come with me and Ryland for dinner tonight, if that's ok with you, Ryland." Her and Ryland said "Sure!" at the same time.

JaidenAnimations x Andrew Siwicki (Finished!)Where stories live. Discover now