Thank you!

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My name is Tofu (or you can call me Sophia, whichever works). I started writing this a couple weeks ago, with the chapters being less than 300 words long each. Now, my laste few parts have been upwards of 500 words each! I honestly can't believe that I finished this. I didn't think I would ever finish it. 

I started writing this during class one day because I was bored. I had actually planned for this to be a story about Shane and Jaiden's friendship, but it turned into a love story about Jaiden and Andrew. (Btw if anyone has and good ship-names, please comment them. the only one I can think of is "Jandrew" and I don't like it very much. Thx) My friend has been writing a story from Shane's POV, but I don't think she has put it on WattPad yet. i think she might if she finishes it. The storied are connnected, so if anything sounds a bit weird, that's why. Sometimes, I didn't know how to connect it and I tried my hardest. 

Thank you again, 


JaidenAnimations x Andrew Siwicki (Finished!)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant