Young Eyes

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Dear Angelica,

I've decided that for now, I'm going to pretend I'm writing to my little sister. I talk to her a lot about diary-type stuff, anyway, so it shouldn't be hard. In fact, it may even be easier!

So, today, I saw something that no 16-year-old (or any-year-old, for that matter) should ever have to see. I walked in on our parents... doing stuff. Stuff that I'd rather not explain.

Young eyes see everything.
Young minds can't help but take it all in.

Young eyes see things they don't care to see,
Things they don't need to see,
Things they don't want to see.

They see things,
Things they can't say they saw,
Things they'd rather not have seen,
Things never meant to see.

Young minds take in everything,
Things they didn't need to know,
Things they didn't care to know,
Things they didn't want to know.

Things they can't say they know,
Things they'd rather not know,
Things never meant
For young eyes
Or young minds
To take in.

Please-hilip Helpme-amilton

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