Roses Are Red...

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Dear Angelica,

Today—and you know this already—we went on a trip to the beach for some family time. Sometimes, I feel like I don't express enough love for you and our family, so I want to take this time to say that I love you all very much.

I love you, Angelica, I love Pa, and I love Dad. I our three brothers: AJ, James, and John; just because they were adopted doesn't mean I love them any less. I love our half-sister, Frances, too, who came all the way from her college just to spend a weekend with us at the beach!

Oh yeah, Frances can drink now, so she had a little fun with that on our trip.

I love each and every one of my family members, always and forever.

Roses are red,
But they're from a bush that's green.
Some things are not as they seem,
But always and forever,
Some things remain true,
Just like your love for me, and my love for you.

With love,

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