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Dear Angelica,

Today I was looking for a pencil in Pa's office and saw a stack of papers off to the side that looked like they hadn't been touched for awhile until just recently. They were kinda dusty, but they had fingerprints in the dust, which indicated that they'd been recently looked through.

I got curious, so I looked through them, careful not to mess up the order, in case it was in a particular order in the first place.

They were a bunch of love letters that Pa had sent to Dad back before both of us were even born. But that means that Pa was writing love letters to Dad while he was still with our mother.

I wonder if he ever really loved her in the first place, then?

Reading those letters and the depth they got into made me really think about how in love Dad and Pa must've been, even back then. I know Pa was technically cheating on our mother, but the letters are just so sweet and passionate.

These letters may have been one of the reasons that mother divorced with Pa. That and the cheating. I'm just glad you and I were born, Angelica, before that happened.

Forbidden words
In well-written sentences,
Against everything,
With no ill intent.

Every forbidden paragraph,
Filled with love.
Every stroke of the pen
Feels sincere.

How can you begin to try
To tell me this is wrong
When it's filled with so much passion
It could be taken for a song?

Your brother,

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