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Dear Angelica,

Guess what happened today? Okay, guessing time over. George asked me out! I showed him my poems and he really liked them! We're going on a date tomorrow and I can hardly wait!

Well, I don't have anything else to write about now. I guess that means this is the end. Thanks for listening to me, Angelica.

Thanks for listening to my words!

Words of pity for the poor,
Words of scorning for the rich,
Words of kindness for the hurt,
Words of hatred for the witch,

Words of desire for the beautiful,
Words of disgust for the ugly,
Words of disdain for the boastful,
Words of hope for the struggling,

Words of logic for the dreamer,
Words of praise for the worker,
Words of respect for the teacher,
Words of wisdom for the learner,

Words of comfort for the sad,
Words of mockery for the happy,
Words of insight for the boring,
Words of laughter for the wacky,

But through all the words,
After every plea,
What words are there
That will be left for me?

Signing off for the last time,
Philip the Poet

The Poems of Philip HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now