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Dear Angelica,

I kind of hurt my best friend, Theodosia, today.. I feel really bad.. We were just talking and then suddenly she said she liked me and.. I said I didn't see her that way..

She got really mad because she said I was "leading her on," but I don't think that I was. I don't know, though. Maybe I was?

But I wrote an apology, and I just thought you should see it first before I show it to Theo.

I'm sorry for what I've said.
I'm sorry if you don't believe.
I never meant to hurt you,
So please don't ever leave.

I'd really like to trust you.
I'm still not so mature,
And I'm just not as good with feelings
As I can be with words,

But sometimes, my words fail.
I fear I may be peaking,
'Cause I think that, for a poet,
I'm pretty bad at speaking.

Philip the Oblivious

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