Sunshine and Rainbows

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Dear Angelica,

Today I saw public homophobia in real life for the first time.

We were at the park with everyone and you and the other siblings were off playing, while I stayed near our parents.

They were walking, holding hands, and talking quietly to each other. I didn't know what to do so I just trailed a few feet behind them.

Then, this guy walked up with his friend and said something to our parents about them holding hands before giving a look of disgust and walking away. Dad seemed pretty embarrassed but Pa just looked really mad.

Those guys were probably a gay couple trying to hide their insecurities or something.

But it was still so mean. And way back in the past, it was a crime to be gay, or a "mental illness." You could get killed for it. This world's just so unfair.

Sunshine and rainbows
Give happiness and thrills,
'Til the sun's rays start burning,
And the rainbows are killed.

Furiously Frustrated Philip Hamilton Who Hates Homophobes

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