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September 24, 12:00 noon

     Mark sighs as he slides his phone into his pocket after Jeno hung up. He was livid at Jaemin. Of course he loved Jaemin, he was the first friend he made when he came to Seoul, but the pink haired boy could really be a dumbass. Mark was shocked at how Jeno could honestly be attracted to Jaemin. The bell rang and Mark begrudgingly stood up from leaning on the wall and made his way to his next class. 
     He sat down in his seat next to Jaemin, giving the latter the cold shoulder. Jaemin gave him a look but didn't say anything, getting his materials out for the class. Mark didn't speak a word to him through the whole class and Jaemin could feel his skin start to crawl as time passed, anxiety building up and questions running through his mind as he waited for the bell to ring. It was 45 minutes of pure torture as he could feel the anger radiated from the older boy's body. 
     Jaemin let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when the bell finally rang. His head snapped to Mark as he took a big inhale of breath before words started spilling out of his mouth almost faster than Mark could process, "What the fuck is your problem? This whole period you literally had 'I'm gonna puch someone' writter in bold lettering on your forehead and from your cold shoulder and what happened earlier at lunch, I could tell it was directed towards me. Jesus christ Mark, if you have a problem say it to my face. I literally spent 45 minutes wondering about what the hell was wrong with you. That whole aura you were giving off really made my skin crawl so if you've got a problem with me, spill. I'm all ears."
     Mark looks at Jaemin, slightly taken aback at how much it affected him. Of course he was irritated, but he didn't know he was giving off such strong energy. He heaves a sigh, "We'll have to talk about it later. It wouldn't be appropriate for me to punch you here, so I'll save it for sometime after you get done with your dumb date."
     Jaemin looked at Mark, jaw dropping. Did he just threaten him? Jaemin furrowed his brows, unaware of how he pissed off Mark. The older boy was usually calm and comforting, this sort of behavior from him was shocking. Jaemin sharply turned away, grabbing his things and leaving for his next class.  

     The rest of the school day passed by slowly and uneventfully. Jaemin couldn't help but think hard on everything going on in his life right now. His date with Jaehyun, Jeno leaving him on read, Mark being pissed at him. Jaemin sighed in frustration as he threw his things in his locker, angry that the strings wouldn't connect in his mind. 
     He turned around to see Jaehyun coming up to him, similar to this morning. "Hey, Nana."
     Jaemin smiles, trying to push the thoughts and irritation away as he walks over to Jaehyun, and reaching up to hold onto his arm. "To the cafe?" Jaemin asks, receiving a nod of confirmation.
     They arrive at their destined location quickly, making small talk on their way. They enter the cozy cafe, seating themselves where they waited for a server.
     "How was your day, Jaemin?" Jaehyun asks softly, looking into the younger boy's eyes. 

"A little frustrating, but that's okay because I'm with you now and that should let off some stress," Jaemin smiles.

     "Oh, I'm sorry. What was so frustrating about today?" Jaehyun replied, furrowing his brows. They were interrupted as a server approached, smiling and placing down two menus. 
     "Can I take your orders?" She asked, pulling out a pad of paper and pen. Jaehyun and Jaemin order quickly, thanking the server before going back to their conversation.

     Jaemin shakes his head, "Mark's just being a douche. He's mad at me and I don't know why. I'm talking to him about it later."
     "I hope you guys resolve things," Jaehyun tells him, smiling down at his hands that were placed on the table. 

    The date went by fast and Jaemin was pleased. They spent about an hour at the cafe, chatting and getting to know each other. Jaehyun's phone went off and he told Jaemin he had to go and offered to drive him home, to which Jaemin accepted. 
     They approached Jaemin's house in Jaehyun's car and Jaemin was reluctant to get out, his frustrations from earlier coming back to nag at his thoughts. When he was with Jaehyun, he could forget about them. Jaemin sighs and looks to his house before turning back to Jaehyun. "Thank you for meeting me, I really had fun," Jaemin smiles and leans over, pecking Jaehyun breifly and softly on the lips. In doing so, he felt his gut twist and tried to hide the grimace on his face when he pulled back from Jaehyun's soft lips. 

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