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October 28, 7:07am

     Jaemin arrived at school early. Not many people were in the school at this time, but he knew Mark would be there. Quickly gathering his things for the day, he heads to his first period. It was like Mark could sense Jaemin, turning around from his place in the corner of the room chatting with the other juniors in the room. The Canadian gives a small, shy wave, which Jaemin returned and started to approach him.

     "Hey, Mark. Could I talk to you after school? At my house?" Jaemin asks. He had been pondering over this for a couple days, and he thinks it's time he should tell Mark about what happened to him when he was a freshman.

     Mark could tell something was up, a caring look softening his features, "Yeah, of course, Jaemin. I'll find you after school and we can walk to your house."

     The first couple class periods passed faster than Jaemin realized, and before he knew it, it was time for lunch. He was still recovering and trying to gain back the weight he lost during the time he was with Jaehyun. It was hard for him to eat a full meal. It wasn't that he didn't want to eat, but anything more than a couple bites would make him feel sick just because he wasn't used to it. After getting his tray, he was lost again. Not quite sure if he was welcome at Mark's table, but definitely wasn't going to sit with the seniors. Mark quickly threw Jaemin's doubt out the window when he waved Jaemin over to his table. Something was different, though.

     As Jaemin approached the table, three new, friendly faces grinned at him. Mark spoke up first as Jaemin took a seat next to him, "While you were gone, Nana, I met some new people. Meet Xiaojun, Hendery, and YangYang."

     The boy with the tan skin was the first of the three to speak. "I'm YangYang. Mark told us a lot about you while you weren't here. I'm glad to finally meet you," he smiles charmingly. The trio gave off a strange aura. Even though Jaemin just met them, it felt like he had known them for years. All three of them gave of such welcoming, friendly vibes and the groups of boys were able to get right into casual conversation.

     During a break in conversation, Jaemin pulls his phone out and opens Jeno's contact.

October 28, 11:48am
New Message

nanana.jaemin: hey, jeno :) im at lunch and talking to mark again. You're probably asleep, but i just wanted you to know. things are finally getting back to normal.

nojam: me? asleep? never. im really glad to hear that, jaem. you're doing well :)

     Jaemin's heart skyrockets at the praise and he smiles down at his phone, not noticing the mischievous smile upon Xiaojun's face. A small shriek is let out of Jaemin's mouth when his phone is snatched out of his hands, his eyes shooting up in accusation, scanning the lunch table to see who the culprit was. He sighs heavily as the three boys in front of him sit and stare, innocently. Mark snorts from beside him. "What are you? Third graders? Gimme my phone," Jaemin frowns and places his hand palm up in front of the trio.
     "Ooh, who's nojam?" Hendery asks, looking at the phone that's hidden under the table on his lap. Jaemin rolls his eyes. 

     "None of your business, just give my phone back nerd." 

     "You're no fun, Jaemin," YangYang pouts, grabbing the device out of Hendery's hand and passing it back to its owner.

     Lunch proceeds as normal and before Jaemin even processed it, he was already putting up his things for the day. Mark catches him right as the boy closes his locker. "Ready?" Mark asks.


     The walk home was quiet except for small talk that Mark initiated. Jaemin was trying to prepare himself, having not discussed this with a friend. His parents and therapist knew what happened but Jaemin never thought to tell a friend. Mark could tell he was deep in thought. Quickly, they arrived at Jaemin's home and made their way to his room. Mark walked in first and Jaemin slowly closed the door, not facing him. 

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