- Prologue -

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Hey guys this is my first fanfic book so take it easy on me please and I hope you enjoy it and please leave a comment thats all ill ask of you.

- Unknown POV -

The past is something that you would normally cherish...I somehow don't know how to feel about it, as a child I was left abandoned...left to fend for myself...I felt utterly powerless and alone...I could not remember the love of my biological family. But thankfully that all changed when I was found by the Kiryu family on that fateful snowy day...a day which I will always cherish from the bottom of my heart.

- The past -

Where am I? who am I? There were questions I could not answer, I was surrounded by something unknown to be and when I looked down I was holding something...unsure of what it was or even how to use it. I then saw someone approach me and I could sense that he was something not human, by instinct I stood up and grabbed the weapon I had in my hand and then cut myself allowing the red substance to flow down and into the blade. I had no control of my body...in a situation like this anyone would be afraid but I was not, even though I have a small body I ran towards the man and cut him down feeling nothing as I did it. Blood splattered on my face and I collapsed to the ground unable to move. As I was about to fall unconscious I saw two figures running towards me from the distance but before I could do anything...jet black darkness consumed me.

- Next day  -

I woke up the next day and noticed I was in a room laying down on a bed wearing clean clothes, the next thing that I knew was the door opened slightly revealing two small figures like mine...two boys that looked exactly alike in appearance.

"Mother Father she's awake now." One of the boys yelled out.

Moments later two older looking people walked into the room and took there place next to me.

"I'm sorry if we scared you but we found you laying unconscious in the snowy field and decided to take you back to our house to recover." The woman said.

"Do you remember anything like your name or where you come from?" The man asked.

I looked down to my hands and tried to remember but...nothing.

"I...can't remember anything...not even my own name." I said.

"Well if you can't remember your own name then we'll just have to give you a new one then...how about...Yukiji." The woman said.

"Yu...ki...ji...Yukiji..." I said.

"Well now that it's settled if you can't remember where you come from you can stay with us...i'm sure Zero and Ichiru will welcome you with open arms." The man said.

I turned to the twin boys...they didn't look at me with anger but with happiness and it made me smile.

"Look father Yukiji smiled."

"It must mean that she likes that name." Father said.

Is this what it means to be happy? to have a family that loves and cherishes you? it makes me feel warm inside...I hope that this feeling never ends.

- Years later -

(Still Yukiji's POV)

It's been some years since the Kiryu's adopted me and its only been a few years since I started my training to become a vampire hunter. Mother and Father told that when they found me in the snow I was carrying a sword so they automatically assumed that maybe I was from a vampire hunter family. When I was old enough around the same age as Zero they talked to me about becoming a vampire hunter and that it was entirely my choice, I didn't have to think about it...I decided straight away that I would except and train to become stronger and use my power to protect others, I started training around the same time as Zero and our teacher Yagari who was an ok kind of person.

- A few years later -

(Yukiji, Zero and Ichiru's age is 13 )

Another few years had passed and my training had progressed much more than I had expected, there was one incident in particular that I have not been able to forget...

Zero, Ichiru and I were walking back from the markets when we were attacked by a level E, quickly unsheathing my sword racing towards the bloodthirsty vampire only managing to slice his torso. Before being able to react the Level E came racing at me cutting the hand that held my sword, the blood trickled all the way down the blade, my sword becoming stained with my own blood. Rage swelling inside me lunging towards the vampire I buried my sword in the pit of his stomach blood gushing out of his mouth soon after he turned to dust fading in the wind. My two brothers came running worried about me, looking towards them with a reassuring smile.

"Are you ok Yukiji?" Ichiru asking concernedly.

"I'm alright but we should hurry back home to mother and father." Replying back.

"What about the cut on your arm?" Zero questioned.

I looked down to the injury wiping the blood away only to notice that it had completely healed all on it's own. How is it possible? why has it healed this quickly? am I a freak? this has never happened before and I don't know how to respond to this, fear overcame me like a disease...what am I?

"Yukiji what's the matter?" Zero asked.

Snapped out of my thoughts I raised my head to meet Zero.

"Y...yeah...we should hurry back before more are attracted to the smell." I lied.

- A little later -

We had made it out of the market alleyways and into a more open area surrounded my cherry blossom trees, we stopped to take a breather thinking it was safe and sound though unfortunately I was mistaken. I looked towards Zero knowing what I was thinking...what I could sense, we both took hold of Ichiru's hands before looking towards the cherry blossom trees.

"That woman is so beautiful." Ichiru looking shocked.

"It's natural for vampire like her to look beautiful especially since she's a pureblood." I said.

Zero took our hands ushering us to leave.

"We should head back, mother and father might get worried if we don't hurry back." Zero said.

We started walking back, their was this feeling I couldn't get over...that woman...I could sense the sadness even from a distance. The feeling of when you loose a loved one...

- Unknown POV -

That same night when we saw that woman, she appeared once again...

She killed the family that found and took me in, gave me a home and my name...

The only survivors were myself and the other...

That boy whom she took his humanity and made him into a vampire...

That night soaked with blood had changed both our destines. We were found by a man named Kaien Cross and he took us in. I also met a kind and caring girl who oddly looked similar to me, she cared for us both during those troubling times.

It would take four years to finally learn the truth about everything...

My only regret would have been that I couldn't have changed the outcome...

- To be Continued -

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