Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


*One Week Later*

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" We heard Ryan shout from outside the bus. He ran in and did a little happy dance.

"Um, Ryan, are you okay?" Ronnie asked.

"This is the best day of my life!" He exclaimed, sitting down on the couch.

"Why?" Derek asked.

"Well, first of all, Jen and I got back together." My eyes widened and a breath caught in my throat. Ronnie looked over at me and I started chewing on my collar. "And, she's going to meet us in the next city and stay with us for the weekend! Tom just approved it!" He smiled, talking about our tour manager.

"That's awesome Ryan! It's great seeing you happy again." Max said.

Well this is just fucking great.


"RYAN!" Jen squealed as she walked onto the bus. Ryan ran out from the bunks and hugged her tightly, kissing her lips.

"Oh my god I missed you so much." He said, his voice muffled by her shoulder.

"I missed you too Ryan, I love you."

"I love you too." He said, kissing her again before taking her back to the bunks to put her stuff away. Ronnie looked at me and I just rolled my eyes, sinking lower into the couch. 

This tour officially sucks.


Later that night at our show, Ronnie stopped in between songs to talk to the crowd.

"Now, you all know our badass drummer, Ryan Seaman." Ronnie said, gesturing to Ryan. "And you all may know his beautiful girlfriend, Jen! I'd like to call her out here on stage so Ryan can ask her a very special question." Jen walked onto stage as Ryan got out from behind his drums, taking the mic from Ronnie.

"Jen, you've put up with my shit for three years and I'd like to give us another ten for you to continue putting up with my shit." He said and dropped to one knee. Oh my god, no. Don't tell me he's doing what I think he's doing. "Jen, will you marry me?"

"Yes Ryan! I will!" She exclaimed and he slipped the ring on her fingers, standing up and kissing her. Everyone cheered but I just stood there, shocked. I think my heart just broke into a million pieces. Ronnie gave me a sad look and just shrugged. We played the rest of the show and I went straight to the bus.

"Jacky!" Ronnie called after me but I ignored him "Jacky! Jacky!"

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I turned around.

"Jacky, lis-"


"Jacky! I didn't want you to worry and to be distracted."

"Well maybe I could've prepared myself if you had just told me!" I stormed into the bus and climbed into my bunk, burrying my face into my pillow.

"Jacky." Ronnie said, opening my curtain.

"No one's ever going to love a freak like me."

"Jacky, you're not a freak. Everything is going to be okay."

"Ronnie, you don't understand I love him, and now I can't ever have him!"

"Jacky, I wish there was something I could do or say to make you feel better."

"Well there isn't so just leave me the fuck alone." He sighed and walked away, leaving the bus.

Fuck my life.



Listening to Payphone~ Crown The Empire


You're My Champion (Jacky Vincent and Ryan Seaman BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now