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The dells is a place where you do not want to go even in the daytime. It was a bountiful place for crooks and villains alike. Only the sound of gunshots, screaming and painful howls of death can be heard 24/7.

It was currently getting close to midnight and on a lone roof, a soldier stood. Someone who knows what being alone is, who understands what it is like to be in the worst pain possible physically, emotionally and mentally. This person has been through hell innumerable times and still came back even if that sometimes it was only with a slither of their sanity. They understand what it's like to be cast away from love and thrown into a world of crime and destruction.

The rain, pouring down, the wind pushing the rain like a comforting hand on the back of a child learning to ride a bike. It caused the tails of their hooded cape to flow as a river, fast and unforgiving. Their hood billowed against the wind and rain.

In the street below they had a front row seat to a gang shoot out. Knowing the outcome, they found it of no entertainment or interest to stay around. Behind them they hear the swish of a cape and the brandishing of a metal object.

Slowly the person turned around and saw the black appearance of a man adorned in a cape and mask, very similar to that of a bat. This was the famed Batman who has recently been helping out the police in their efforts to get rid of crime once and for all in the streets of the dells and the rest of Gotham. He was known among the citizens, which depends on who you ask but some say that he is a blessing from above whereas others think that he is just cutting down their profit.

"Watching the show are you?" His voice, gravelly and deep. His eyes wore the same hard look.

"No, I was waiting for you. Got nothing else better to do with your life other than cut out our profit?" The voice that returned was deep but in the same tone had a dangerous lilt to it, almost calming.

"I am stopping crime in Gotham, is that so bad?" If possible his hard stare turned into a full on burning gaze of ultimate rage.

"Yes, because people like me will suffer. You rich folks won't understand what it is like to not have caviar served with a silver spoon up your arse and to not have any other choice but crime, have you?" The rage of the two figures on the rooftop was equally matched. "Now leave us alone or do you want to know what I can really do?"

"Oh I've already done my research, you control the element of water and create blue energy out of thin air, you can freeze objects, you have telekinesis, warped reality and partial telepathy not so much about the character but their immediate thoughts. These advantages are natural born and have proven very helpful to you in battle." He let a faint whisper of pride slip through his eyes. As they do say the eyes are the windows to the soul.

"Alright, so you know what my minimum powers are but I suggest that you buzz off before I show you my unlimited powers." After saying that a blue, threatening slider of smokey energy made its appearance on each of their hands.

(°°°••°°°) spider pig

Thank you for getting this far in the book you get one cider 🍺(or fizzy non alcoholic apple juice if you are under 18 or 21 or whatever elephant the drinking age is in your country) tel me your ciders/fizzy non alcoholic apple juices as the book goes on. Have a lovely day pickles. Also go check out this author onlyloveisloyal I think their books are great. Cya and enjoy.

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