\\Chapter 7//

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The trapped heroes were bang their fists against the seemingly impenetrable ball of water. They had Batman's breathing apparatuses so they wouldn't run out of oxygen but they were still trapped.

"Flash, see if you can run fast enough to break the water wall." Oliver said to Barry who was only just waking up from what Black Tsunami had done to him.

"I can try. But no promises." He went to the opposite side of the ball and started to prepare himself for the run up. Then he ran. Fast as he could under water.

He smashed into the wall of water and tumbled to the floor.

"It's no use, I can't get through." All seemed hopeless until... There was a knock on the wall. Everyone turned their heads to the sound.

"Did someone call for help?" The hulk of a man stood on the outside of the ball with a trident in his right hand. He had beautiful tattoos on his arms, chest and torso. He had shoulder length hair that was blonde at the bottom but dark brown at the top.

"About time, I called you half an hour ago." Dick had an expression of seriousness but his eyes held joy and relief.

"Yeah well, better late then never. Anyway what do you need?" Aquaman looked around the ball.

"Maybe for you to break this wall of water and get us out of here. That would be nice." Flash made no move to make eye contact with the muscled man.

With a flash of his trident, the wall came tumbling down and the heroes looked like drowned rats as they floated to the feet of Arthur. One by one they stood up and thanked the Aquaman.

"You're welcome but next time you face this enemy, call me." Suddenly the wall of water that had held them capture took him away, back to the sea, his home.


She knew they would figure it out, so right now she was erasing every trace of her existence on the internet and later she would get rid of their handheld files.

Lying back in the chair by her shed wall, India contemplated on whether this safe house could be tracked. Yes she was confident in her hacking and concealment but that doesn't mean that she is defined by her skills, she still needs to be careful.

The shed was about the size of three Verdant's back in Star City, India had been there before. She was finding the origin of the Arrow; well she had already narrowed it down to two people, Oliver Queen and Thomas Merlyn.

There on the chair, she sat, thinking about her life before.


I was crying, screaming, kicking, trying to escape. This was the first time that I had tried to escape and therefore I wasn't experienced.

The swish of a cape was heard, hitting the rooftop of the boat.

"HELP! HELP! I'M DOWN HERE!" I shouted to the person. The guards hands immediately flew to my five year old mouth to stop me from screaming out to my 'saviour'.

Wanting him to make them stop the torture, burning and murder. I just wanted freedom. I wanted to live.

He never came.

Flashback over

Ever since then she has had a resounding hatred to the people who call themselves 'heroes'. They claim to help save people and the world when in her reality, all they do is ignore and leave the poor and decrepit for the beasts of lions to feast on their bones. Once they leave there is no coming back, they are gone for good.

But one person survived. One person prevailed. That person has taken it upon herself to make those 'heroes' lives a living hell. But she would say that she was getting them a good publicity.

Hearing a loud crash from up the stairs, she grabbed the closest knives and two guns that she had hidden in her belt . India crept up the stairs to try and find the culprit of the crash.

Into her bedroom, she found nothing but a broken bottle and a white envelope. She picked the paper up and examined it for poison evidence.

"Very observant as I can see." The voice resounded around the room as India turned around her gun cocked and ready, aimed at the target's head. "Careful hun, do you know how to use that thing."

"Yes I do, the question is do you want to find out if I know how to use it because I will gladly demonstrate." She slowly stalked towards the assailant, her gun still aimed.

"Now, now, no need to get violent. I just wanted to have a chat." He held his hands up in mock surrender as he got down onto his knees, the gun following his every move.

"Talk. Make one move against me and I won't hesitate to put a bullet through that skull and see your pretty little brain scattered around my bedroom coating the wall in your venomous blood. Got that clear." The tone in her voice was enough to make the man shiver.

"Yeah sure lady. I have had news of a new powerful enemy in the cities, mainly in Gotham. I was wondering if this was true and now I can see that it is."

"How did you track me down? I made sure this place was fully secure." Her eyes never leaving those of the man. He stayed in his uncomfortable postion, never making a sign of moving at all.

"That my dear is why people make secrets. Can I please sit down 'cause this position is really uncomfortable?" She nodded shortly and he sat down with a sigh. "Can I have something to drink?"

Silence was all that met the two.

"Who sent you here? I know you work for someone. Who is it?" She pressed the gun against his head for extra dramatics.

"Well that my dear is for you to work out?" He had striking green eyes and had on some really strange outfit that seemed out of this world.

"What is your name?" She had a feeling that she knew what the outcome was but the impossible can become possible in the most ludicrous situations.

"Loki. God of Mischief."

To be continued. Yay finally I made a Chapter.  Sorry about that, I was sick and then I had major writers block but here we are back up and running. here is your cider 🍺 pickles. The author today is PsychoticTendencies tadaa. Cya :)

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