\\Chapter 2//

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\\Back at the cave//

The computer had now been scanning facial recognition for three hours and so far no one had come up. Considering that everyone is unique it should only take a few minutes, seconds even.

"Sir, I do think that you should retire to your chambers for it is nearly 3 in the morning and you have a business meeting at 11.59pm sharp. We don't want you falling asleep." Alfred had seen how Bruce's eyes were drooping and how tired he looked. This figure had really got the world's greatest detective in a confused bundle.

"Not yet Alfred, just one more minute."

"System has found three possible facial recognizers." An Artificial Intelligence unit alerted Bruce of its findings. Three faces came up on the screen.

"Crystal Demoine: ex combat assassin, worked in the millitary for four tours in Iraq and then five in Afghanistan.
Date of Birth: 27.4.1990
Appearance: Long brown hair, green eyes, hooked nose, 5'6 in height, stocky build, strong arms and legs, quite tan in colour.
Nationality: Hungarian, English, Japanese.
She seems quite the formidable character. Very strong willed but lacking with emotion and motive, which I saw in their eyes." Batman pondered over the face but thought little of it. Nightwing rested his arm on the back of the chair.

"Well , that cancels her out. Let's see the next one.
Guy Forbes: day job as a pilot, normal scale of work.
Date of Birth: 16.11.1975
Appearance: short crew cut blonde hair, brown eyes, bumpy nose, 5'4 in height, skinny frame, weak limbs, healthy tan in colour.
Nationality: English, Irish.
So not a prime suspect then." So far the work hadn't been a success and it seems as though they were running low on hope.

"India Leipsig: orphaned at age 3, put into foster care, not sighted since escaped when 15.
Date of Birth: 2.10.2000
Nationality: English, Native American, Indian.
That is all we have on her."

"Well it seems as though we have our motive, she was orphaned and in foster care then just disappeared. That must mean that she is 18 right now so she's of legal age." Nightwing thought that he had cracked the case and now Bruce could get some sleep. But he didn't move a muscle. "Umm Bruce, do you want to maybe go and get some sleep. Remember you have that meeting."

"Oh right, yeah thanks for your help Dick. See you around." Bruce was shaken out of his trance and slowly got up out of his chair. The stiff postion of his back made it crack from sitting down for too long with the wounds.

Walking crooked towards the door and up the steps, Batman felt funny and not in the laughing kind. His body felt like it was on fire but it was freezing cold at the same time and soon a headache had developed, slowly seeping it's way into the rest of the billionaire's head. Bruce collapsed on the last two steps, crumbling down a few.

Hearing the crash, Alfred hurried to his master's side to aid him. Bruce shook his head and nodded to a secret cupboard next to the clock door. He opened the cabinet, took out a bottle and gulped it down without a care if it was too much of a high dosage or not.

Gradually, Alfred carried Bruce up to his chambers and placed him on his back on the bed. Sitting by his bedside, Alfred tended to the wounds on Batman's chest, which were turning light electric blue in colouration and had blue mist swirling out of it.

Ever so slowly, the medication worked it's magic and had gotten rid of the infection that had set in but Bruce was still passed out so Alfred decided that it would be best to leave him on his own to heal by himself with the help of the drug.

Out side the mansion, the wind blew and the rain pounded against the windows and doors, as a figure sat on their haunches in a nearby tree, staring into the abyss of a house. They then got up and strode towards the bedroom window of Bruce. The light had just been switched off and the door door just recently closed.

They quietly opened the window and snuck in undetected. They were like the faintest sound of the soft breeze, caressing each piece of furniture. Carefully and in plain view they left a piece of handmade blue paper on the bedside table. then as quickly and silently as they came, they snuck back out again.

Only the sound of soft breathing and maybe slight snoring came from the room now.

Hopping out into the rain the figure jumped down from the ledge and onto the soft, muddy ground below. The landing wasn't too hard but it wasn't exactly soft either. They sprinted through the gates of Wayne Manor and down the long dingy path ahead that lead into the large city of Gotham.

The closer to the dells you got the more you could hear the gunshots and screams. Those awful screams were followed by the looks of recognition on their faces as they see the one and only Black Tsunami ripping their hearts out. It still beats in their hand even after being out of their body for a couple of minutes.

Black Tsunami is a deadly assassin who is told in tales by parents trying to threaten their children to do something right. "If you don't stop eating sweets then Black Tsunami is going to get you when you least expect it."

Quite frankly it worked.

(°°°••°°°) spider pig

Congratulations on making it this far. For this shout out its going to be purpleshadow14 check out their book Viper:Enemy of SHIELD it is amazing. Have a lovely day pickles. Here is your cider 🍺. Cya :)

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