\\Chapter 5//

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The heroes were gathered around the lab.

"So what's the problem?" Caitlin had just walked in.

"Well we have a situation. There is a brunette on Caulder Street in a night club having a right killing spree. So since we already have a brunette in our cage, this may be a new threat." Felicity held a tablet in her hand and was running an algorithm of some sorts.

"Right so do you have anything: id, facial recognition anything?" Team Flash was immediately getting everything ready, while Team Arrow were standing around feeling confused.

\\Back in the cage//

The figure in the cage had already hatched the perfect plan. They knew Nyssa would create a distraction. The thing is they had been given access to over 50% of their brain capacity so they can store more information inside. Meaning they know the outcome of every single thing that is a bit to happen in the near future.

They have thought out every single possibility of a situation there is. Gathering as much water as they can, they create a literal tsunami inside the cage.

Slowly, the glass started to crack and the water seeped through. Then the villain suddenly turned themselves into the water around them and seeps through with the water. Escape.


Oliver, Barry and Dick had left to go and sort out the brunette on Caulder so Batman was still left to find out the identity of the mystery downstairs.

Diggle went down to check up on the person in the cage when he saw an empty, cracking cell.

"Uh Cisco, you know how you said that you're cell could hold he strongest of meta humans?" Diggle said into his ear comm.

"Yes?" Cisco leaned forward in his chair.

"Yeah well you might need to build a new one." That one sentence silenced the whole crew, even the ones out on the mission.

Suddenly, an overun of the system occurred and a symbol came up on all of the screens.

"Hhhelllllooooo hhhhheeeeerrrrrrrooooessssssss. Wwhhhhaaaaattttttt dddooooo yyyooouu ttthhhhhiiiiinnnnkkk oofffffffff mmmmee nnnoowwwww?" That same fear quenching hiss surrounded the people in the room like a coiling snake. Then it disappeared just as quickly as it came.

"Hello? Guys are you there? It's the League of Assassins." Just as the hiss had silenced everyone, the last sentence froze them on the spot.

"Do not engage, just get back to Star Labs." Felicity was anxious and wanted them back here just to be more safer than if they were out there with a villain that has a body count of 13,947 deaths. The fresh blood still running off their fingers.

A few minutes later they were all gathered in the labs.

"Now what? They escaped. Bats, you got anything?" Cisco asked the man in the bat suit who was currently bent over a desk peering intently at a screen.

"Yes. It's a match." He turned to face the teams with an unusual smile on his face.

"Well who is it? You aren't just setting this up for the plot are you. (Hey no fourth wall breaks, you're not Deadpool)" Dick seemed impatient.

"Her name is India Leipsig. She doesn't have much information on her at all just her birth date, nationality and a bit about her past but that's it." Barry looked impressed with Batman's deduction of this illusive woman. "Currently she would be 18 so we are looking for any 18 year old living in the dells."

"Why the dells?" Oliver had a confused expression glued to his face.

"Because when we clashed the other day, she mentioned something about 'us rich folk' indirectly meaning that she herself has no money and where do penniless villains live?" Everyone knew the answer to the easy question.

"Very well, I'll run some facial recognition programs to track her down." Felicity was already up and ready with her tablet, furiously typing away at it.

"Nah ah. Stupid idea. She can make herself invisible, remember." Diggle reminded her. Caitlin had been unusually quiet about this mission than all of the others and Barry had noticed.

The others racked their brains when an orange and yellow flicker started to glow in the corner. As they looked closer, they saw a small flame.

"Caitlin get the water." She ran over to get her glass of water on the table when she saw that it was floating in the air in tiny droplets.

"That may be a bit hard to do that." Everyone turned around to see the water in the air. Suddenly the water drops became bigger and the air that surrounded them like an invisible blanket, felt very dry.

"She's sucking all of the water out of the air." Then as if by magic the water dropped back into the glass, he air became soft again and the fire had disappeared. There was no other trace that the villain had been there.

"Strange that she would turn up and not murder us." Diggle thought out loud.

"Why, we're you counting on it?" Cisco had always had an eye for snappy comebacks.

"Would you shut up for a second. Right so if she was here a few seconds ago the that must mean that she is somewhere nearby." Greyson suggested.

"Damn, Bats you've trained him well."

"Shut up Cisco!" The chorus of voices told Cisco to keep his trap shut or he will get his arse kicked.

"Check the water ways and sewers." Batman told Felicity and Caitlin to which they immediately got to it.

"What is it with you, sewers and dark places? Are you just like the messenger of death or something?" Batman made no intent of replying to Cisco's questions.

"Well since we'll be here for a while I think that I will have a lie down. Where are your spare rooms Barry?" Oliver asked and Diggle followed him along with Cisco, as he wasn't needed. The rest stayed behind.

"Nothing's coming up. Sorry Batman but it looks like your idea didn't work." Felicity felt a bit sassy today.

"Wait for it to work first." Then the machine beeped once then twice.

"Nevermind, I got her. Get the teams ready."


They were so stupid to fall for that as India ran through the streets to meet up with Nyssa.

Then across the road a figure stood, stock still in a defensive position.

"Ra's Al Ghul wants you back Tswnamy 'Aswad."

Congratulations on making it this far. Sorry about yesterday. I was fixing up Chapter 4. Have a lovely day pickles. Here is my author pick of the day is zelaughingqueen read her book The Blue Assassins it's amazing. You have earned your daily cider count 🍺. Cya :) Btw symbol up top

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