\\Chapter 1//

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A loud rev of an engine resounded around the saturnine and morose cave. A half dead Batman, fell out of the vehicle and the sounds of pattering shoe-cladded feet as they hit the stone floor, came over to his aid.

"What was it this time sir? Grenade, bomb, the Joker?" The tired British voice of the Butler clearly had hints of frustration in it.

"No Alfred, it was a person with reasons for being the way they are. Like me almost but they fight for the wrong side." Alfred helped Bruce over to a chair where he could stitch up the wounds. Some ran in only shallow cuts along his arms and face while there were two deep holes in his stomach, narrowly missing his organs. "Gah! We might need to call in Greyson, this seems like it might need to be a two man job just this once." Alfred nodded, agreeing.

As the Butler wrapped up the last wound in an antiseptic bandage, Bruce stood and got straight to his computer.

"Sir do you really think that you should be operating in this condition, those wounds need time to heal?" Concern emitted from Alfred's voice considering that he has looked after the man for the majority of his life.

"No. I need to find this person. I am now running scanning systems to try and find a match." Batman seemed like he needed time alone to try and decrypt this seemingly simple case, so the Butler left him to it.

Not a few minutes later the billionaire got a message on his phone saying that Nightwing was on his way. He sat back in the chair and waited for the machine to run its course. Bruce shut his eyes for a second thinking about what the person on the roof had said.

"You rich folks won't understand what it is like to not have caviar served with a silver spoon up your arse and to not have any other choice but crime, have you?"

He pondered for a moment as to how they knew that he was rich. Suddenly, a door opening and closing caught his attention. To which he threw one of his baterangs at the intruder.

They caught the weapon and gave him a 'really' look.

"Still got those good relfexes." He actually seemed impressed by the boy's skills.

"Well what if I'd have missed?"

"It would've hurt." Bruce said with a smile. "Now do you know why you're here?"

"Yeah, Alfie told me, you found a new enemy. But what's new there?" Dick had a note of sarcasm in his ending comment.

"Yes essentially. But this person has knowledge, skills, smarts and is very disciplined in combat. They are proving to be a formidable opponent at the moment. I'm running a scanning system to see if we can find anything else on this being and I already have some idea of what they can do because of the reports in the police office with the files Commissioner Gordon sent me." Bruce rattled on that he didn't notice Greyson had been distracted by the damage on the Batmobile.

"Sounds like you don't need my help. Bruce did you say one person or a group, 'cause this is alot of damage." Dick was in awe of the sheer power he could feel radiating off of the scratches,  scrapes and dints in the car bonnet and body.

"Yes, just one person." Wayne seemed very thoughtful about this statement. "How can one person generate so much power and not get tired out?"

"Maybe they draw the energy out of the air? You said that they had water based elemental powers and considering that tonight is quite rainy, that could be a possibility." He said with a shrug.


That freaking Batman. Who does he think he is, telling me what's right and wrong. He's a vigilante for God's sake. These were the thoughts of the mystery that Dick and Bruce were trying to decipher.

They were walking calmly down the streets of the dells after having a short battle with the militia himself. The gunshots suddenly rang out issuing the fact that the gang shoot out would be over in three...two...one. The sound of bodies hitting the floor with a sickening thud almost made the walker want to hurl but they only just kept it down.

Quickly looking around for danger or followers, the figure unlocked the door to an abandoned, not yet reinstated, apartment building and ran inside relocking the door after them. Up the stairs, turn left, then right, left again, right, right, then left, open the door to a stair well, up two more floors, then three, go down one floor, finally straight down the hall, second right and the 48th door on the right and left.

They were safe. Home sweet home. Ha, as if, this place is still fixed with the howls and screams of the victims who have been tortured, maimed and killed in the dark hallways.

Changing after a shower, they slipped into bed in a black long sleeved t shirt and black joggers with a black .45 beneath their pillow. Their hand was placed directly on the gun but it was inconspicuous so you wouldn't think anything of it until there was a gun pointed at your temple aiming straight for the kill zone.

The only sounds that were being emitted was the sound of soft snoring and silent movements of feet underneath covers.

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