\\Chapter 3//

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Mystery PoV

Who does he think he is?! Walking suddenly into my life when it had already turned to ash in the first place. I certainly don't need any help in messing my life up thank you very much.

Walking down the dark, demure alley I found myself wondering what it would be like if Anthony Ivo didn't cage me and then experiment on me like a lab rat. I blame him for the death of my sister and those precious countless victims of his experiments to rid society of its impurity.

I spent a whole 12 years on that island. That dreadful place that gave me nightmares and on countless occasion caused me to wake up screaming. There are numerous times when the neighbours have called the police about someone being murdered in my flat.

On that island I met a woman called Shado. She was a calm, serious and an all round lovely girl. She had good morals. That is about the only thing that I remember about her because Ivo found a way to erase some of my memories.

Anyway, enough about the dark past and into the dark present and seemingly dark future. 

I had just left a kindly note to Batman and am now in the dells trying to scuttle through the darkness to my 'home' in the most pitiful place in the world. The sound of something falling aught my attention.

It came from the rafters of the scaffolding and as I looked up I saw the sparkling outfit of Nightwing.

"You can come out you know. I know you're here." I heard him jump down from his perch and land behind me, I also know that he had his batons en guarde.

"So you live around here do you, Black Tsunami?" As soon as he said that name I froze. It brought back memories and so I automatically went into kill mode.

My two katanas were immediately brandished in the air up in a cross form in front of my face. "Don't ever speak that name again."

"What Black Tsunami?" He was teasing me and that was the moment I blacked out.


He was quickly dodging the swinging swords, trying not to die. Nightwing used his batons to block most of the blows as they pushed him back into the corner of the alley. The dark lighting created an eerie scene from the eyes of the witnesses.

Eventually they were caught up in a duel that looked like checkmate, when they swish of a cape and the sliver of a baterang. They both halted the fight and turned to see a still weak Batman stood there glaring at them like you would at broccoli.

"Thhhissss issss Batman thhennn. Thhhhe ffffammmed vvvviggilantttte thhhhat issss hhhheree to ssstttopppp mmmmee. Gggooood llluckkk, IIII kkkeeppp Ie sssafffe fffrrommm ppeopppleee likkke yyyooouu." An inhuman hiss escaped from the mouth of the now icy blue filled eyes of the person now glaring at Batman, taking no note to Nightwing who had now got some specialized power restrictant handcuffs in his hands and quickly placed them on their wrists.

They spun around so fast it was a wonder they didn't get whiplash. Their face was set in a glare that could burn holes through both of their heads, even Batman flinched.

"Lllleavvve mmmmee allloonnnee." The inhuman hiss create a disturbing feeling in the both of their hearts. Yes Batman does have a heart.

"Call Barry and Oliver. We need the Flash and the Arrow's help."

(°°°••°°°) spider pig

You made it to the 3rd ChapterAlso go check out this person CaptainScuddles their books are quality. Have a lovely day pickles. Here is your cider 🍺, drink responsibly kids. Cya :)

Once A Villain Always A VillainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon