Modern AU - Music Tastes

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Patroclus really really liking Owl City, having an encyclopedic knowledge of all of the songs and all the album's and it freaks Achilles out sometimes

Achilles loving MCR and bands like that. Patroclus just thinks it's really depressing and he's been trying to convince Achilles to listen to happier stuff but Achilles ain't listening.

Briseis listening to only k-pop, occasionally putting Of Monsters of Men on.

Odessyus listening to rock despite the fact you expect him to do opera, and Diomedes listening to opera despite the fact you expect him to listen to rock.

Agamemnon never admitting he listens to Shawn Mendez or Charlie Puth.

Deidameia listening to Panic! At the disco. She promises it isn't a phase.

Achilles And Patroclus AUs because my heart hurts stillWhere stories live. Discover now