TSOA Feels Playlist

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I've been gone for a while, so while I kick my depression in the arse, have some songs to cry to while imagining TSOA

Owl City (yes lol I'm putting an entire segment to it)
I Found Love
Tragic song, tragic everything, will require tissues
I swear Madeline Miller listened to this while she wrote
Soft song with tragic end
Okay this isn't sad but if this isn't Achilles-
Up All Night
Is this Pat once his bf changed at war? Or is it Achilles after the eventthatshallnotbenamed? Who knows...
Tip Of The Iceberg
Pat's a romantic okay?
I'm Coming After You
Not sad again but just gotta say this is Achilles 100%

Lol other artists now
War Of Hearts Ruelle
Actually kill me now. Not strictly related, but my God, it's just painful to listen to.
We Are The Hearts EXGF
This song was made for the Illiad, I swear.
Something I Need OneRepublic
"But you're like the net under the ledge,
When I go flying off the edge,
You go flying off as well"
Drumming Song Florence + The Machine
If this isn't Pat at the beginning
Yellow Coldplay
What can I say-
Sloom Of Monsters And Men
This is so quietly tragic?? If you listen to the lyrics it's basically Achilles towards Patroclus I can't-

Later additions I'm ashamed I forgot
King and Lionheart Of Monsters And Men
SO I MENTIONED OF MONSTERS AND MEN WITHOUT MENTIONING THIS SONG WHAT AM I DOING? As well as being excellent for Merlin, this song is just too sweet and to relevant to TSOA to not mention. Achilles is a king and Pat's his Lionheart~
Keeping Your Head Up Birdy
"Don't you know your pain is mine?
And I would die a thousand times to ease your mind,"
This song is so freaking iconic and sweet and I swear to God screams Patroclus

Didn't end up being too sad..
Ah well
Got any recommendations?
I'll pop them in-

Courtesy of Valleymouth
Sky Full Of Stars Coldplay
Let's just whollow in the feels for a moment
I'm about to get a list 99% sure. I wonder who gave me idea for chapter one.

Achilles And Patroclus AUs because my heart hurts stillWhere stories live. Discover now