School AU- Drama Club

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So imagine: all the cast goes to drama club at a school.

Patroclus is an average, kinda cute lil' guy that's obsessed with theatre. Almost as much as he is medicine. Whenever they announce which play they'll be doing next he immediately explodes into explaining the plot, themes, characters, references in modern media. It got to the point where the club just pauses to give him a moment to explain.

Achilles. Their best actor when doing Shakespeare, doesn't do well in the more subtler pieces. He is extra af with everything he does, all the time. And ironically is in love with the plainest guy in the room but everyone thinks it's adorable. He's also a crazy good singer and can play the flute and the harp. No one knows how his family can afford to play the harp besides Patroclus.
- oh, and he's seriously popular. But he doesn't realize 90% of gossip is about him.

Briseis is Patroclus' best friend in the ever loving world (besides Achilles) and she loves him (platonically). She's sort of like the over protective older sister of Patroclus. If you bully him, you'll either see Briseis or Achilles glaring at you and either case you gotta r u n. She shares a flat with Achilles and Patroclus (it was originally her and Patroclus' but Achilles insisted and Patroclus is really bad at saying no) and she's gotten quite used to their homosexualness. She's on the medicine course with Patroclus.

Deidameia is Achilles' ex-girlfriend and they have arguements roughly every two seconds. Despite this she insists on playing Achilles' character's  love interest in every play they do. She also really, really, despises Patroclus and blames him for their break up (which isn't exactly wrong-). She's quite petty in that regard, and used the "I'm pregnant," card so many times it's not a threat anymore.

Odysseus, Diomedes, Ajax, and Agamemnon are all older students who A. Love to prank the younger ones. B. Pretend to be all experienced and what not. C. Are utter arses.

Cherion is the tired teacher who walks in every morning with a freshly brewed cup of coffee. He literally cannot understand any modern lingo and he's not at home in the Victorian era; but he loves all his drama nerds regardless and just wants them to grow into great actors.

Achilles And Patroclus AUs because my heart hurts stillWhere stories live. Discover now