Modern AU - Instruments

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Patroclus - Flute
Okay I know I should have gone for guitar but flute fits him so well? I mean I'm of course going to be bias since I play but only Patroclus would have the patience to carry this instrument on-
I also have a headcanon that Patroclus is doing 7 in, 2 hold, 12 out 24/7 which just lends itself to flute 👌
And the aesthetic? Like this broad tall guy just rocks up to the music hall and just t o o t s on his flute?

Achilles - French Horn
Achilles having an instrument that has no right to be as big as it is. Like seirously, he rocks up to swing band, just out good instrument and then just PRUUUUUUUUUUUUFT and freaks everyone out
Also he takes up an instrument so he can go to windband with Patroclus

Briseis - Guitar
The a e s t h e t i c 👌. Like seirously, her and Patroclus jamming in her room is just the purest. I feel like Briseis is also the type to perform on the streets-

Lol this one was short I ' m sorry

Achilles And Patroclus AUs because my heart hurts stillWhere stories live. Discover now