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When I got up I had to sit back down. Then I walked down the stairs and went to the bathroom and everything look like it was 3D and spinning. I stayed home from school again. My head is killing me. I keep getting at least 1 new symptom and trigger a week. Today when I got up I had to sit back down I had blurred vision. Then I walked down the stairs and went to the bathroom and everything look like it was 3D and spinning. My head always pounds and pulsates. I cant even walk up 3 stairs will out a pain increase. I still haven't heard back from insurance, it's been almost 3 weeks since we mailed paperwork, its gonna be at least November till I get to see my neurologist for more meds. I'm running low and on my last bottle. I'm going to have 2 take 30 mg instead of 25mg. I'm so sick and tired of it all. I haven't had a migraine free day in 244+ days. I just want it to end. It's too hard. I cant do it anymore.

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