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I went to the doctor in june and I was pretty nervous before hand. I was researching the pituitary gland a lot before hand and it basically controls a lot of your organs and hormones. So if something was wrong it could effect other organs.
The doctor reassured me I had nothing I worry about and the enlargement could go down on its own. I am going to have another MRI done next year so they will check on both the pituitary and the pineal gland.
She explained how the pituitary gland operates and which organs and hormones are related to it. I am going to go for bloodwork soon to see if my hormone levels are high, low, or normal. That will determine if I need to take any medications to maintain normal hormone levels and if the pituitary gland is effecting my hormones.
I also I have to see a opthamologist because it is close to my optic nerve. I have to have a couple of eye tests run to make sure it isn't effecting my vision, so hopefully I'll see a opthamologist before the end of the summer.

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